Shapes of Molecules


A level Chemistry (2.2 Electrons, Bonding and Structure) Karteikarten am Shapes of Molecules, erstellt von Yinka F am 20/02/2018.
Yinka F
Karteikarten von Yinka F, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Erstellt von Yinka F vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the difference between bonding pairs and lone pairs/non-bonding pairs? Bonding pairs = shared electrons Lone pairs = unshared electrons
What is the 'electron pair repulsion theory'? Electron pairs repel each other as much as they can. Lone pairs repel more than bonding pairs, so the greatest angles are between lone pairs of electrons. Bond angles between bonding pairs are often reduced because they are pushed together by lone pair repulsion
Order the type of electron pair by how much it repels the other electron pairs from highest repulsion to lowest Lone/lone > lone/bonded > bonded/bonded
By how many degrees are bond angles reduced by per lone pair? 2.5°
A molecule has 2 bonding pairs. What is its shape? Linear
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in a linear molecule? 180°
Give an example of a linear molecule
A molecule has 3 bonding pairs. What is its shape? Trigonal planar
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in a trigonal planar molecule? 120°
Give an example of a molecule with a trigonal planar shape
A molecule has 4 bonding pairs. What is its shape? Tetrahedral
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in tetrahedral molecules? 109.5°
Give an example of a tetrahedral molecule
A molecule has 5 bonding pairs. What is its shape? Trigonal bipyramidal
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in trigonal bipyramidal molecules? 90° 120°
A molecule has 6 bonding pairs. What is its shape? Octahedral
Give an example of a trigonal bipyramidal molecule
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in octahedral molecules? 90°
Give an example of an octahedral molecule
A molecule has 3 bonding pairs and 1 lone pair. What is its shape? Pyramidal
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in pyramidal molecules? 107°
Give an example of a pyramidal molecule
A molecule has 2 bonding pairs and 1 lone pair. What is its name? Bent / angular / non-linear
What is/are the bond angle(s) present in bent/angular/non-linear molecules? 104.5°
Give an example of a bent/angular/non-linear molecule
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