Erstellt von Louis Mercieca
vor fast 12 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Personification | An inanimate object (NOT ANIMALS) that is given human characteristics Eg. The stars danced |
Onomatopoeia | A word that sounds like the object it is referring too Eg. The dog went WOOF, the sheep went BAA |
Assonance | Repeating the same or similar vowel (Rhyming?) Eg. "Flash with a rash gimme my cash flickin' my ash" -Busta' Rymes |
Simile? | Comparing WITH a "LIKE" Eg. The cat was LIKE a majestic horse |
Metaphor | Comparing WITHOUT a "LIKE" Eg. The cat IS a majestic horse |
Alliteration | Repitition Eg. Betty's Bouncing Bazoongas |
Pronoun | Personal possesion Eg. MY sweet love, fetch me the cow butter |
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