Lecture 7 Brain Imaging and Multiple Sclerosis Incomplete!!


PT546 Neuropathology Karteikarten am Lecture 7 Brain Imaging and Multiple Sclerosis Incomplete!!, erstellt von Mia Li am 02/03/2018.
Mia Li
Karteikarten von Mia Li, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mia Li
Erstellt von Mia Li vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Best imaging for chronic headache? MRI for more detail
Best imaging for acute trauma? CT fast and inexpensive
Best imaging for brain tumor? MRI
Which imaging is the best for anatomical detail? MRI
Best imaging for demyelinating lesions? MRI
Which imaging is cheaper? CT
Which imaging has more radiation? CT
Which imaging is better for acute intracranial hemorrhage? CT. (if chronic, then MRI)
Which imaging is better for vascular malformation? MRI
Which imaging is good for intracranial calcification? CT
Which imaging is the best for meningitis? CT
Which imaging is the best for infection? MRI
Which imaging is the best for nonspecific white matter lesions? MRI
MRI with CSF suppressed is called _______ T2 Flair
Pros of MRI 1. sensitive and specific 2. No radiation 3. safe contrast agents 4. excellent soft tissue resolution 5. white matter lesion is easy to see
Cons of MRI 1. Slow 2. Claustrophobia 3. strong magnetic field 4. poor bone detail
What is the most bright in MRI T1? fat!
Bleed in MRI T1? Bright (unless very old or very new)
T/F: fat is dark in MRI T2. F. Both fluid and fat are bright!
T/F: All lesions are bright in MRI T2. T. (However, MS lesion is less bright)
What is the brightest in CT? Bone!
T/F: Water is bright in all 3 imaging. F. ONLY in T2.
T/F: Bleed is bright in all 3 imaging. T.
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