Genetics and Evolution VI


Karteikarten am Genetics and Evolution VI, erstellt von J yadonknow am 05/03/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Name 4 types of mutations (i) Single base pair changes (ii) Transition mutations (iii) Transversion mutations (iv) Spontaneous mutations
What are transition mutations? Purine for purine (AG) Pyrimidine for pyrimidine (TCU)
What are transition mutations? Pyrimidine for purine and vice versa
Name 5 causes for spontaneous substitutions 1. Mis-pairing DNA during replication. 2. Tauntomerisation. 3. Anomalous base-pairing (non Watson-Crick). 4. Quantum tunneling. 5. Depurination.
What is depurination? Loss of a purine base from a nucleotide leading to an abasic site - a gap. No info to say what base should be paired to it Leads to permanent spontaneous mutation
How to get uracil from deamination -NH2 cytosine
Thymine 5-methylcytosine
What do these deamination events generate? Mismatch pair e.g. A-G.
What sort of mutations are common in species with heavily methylated cytosine? CG --> AT transitions.
Name 2 examples of chemical mutagens Alkylating agents Nitrous acid (HNO2)
Name an example of an alkylating agent and its effect. (4) Ethyl Methyl Sulphonate (EMS) Ethylates G DNA pol tends to add T to this Leads to transition mutations.
What are base analogues? Name an example. Compounds that look like bases and may be incorporated. 5-Bromouracil Keto form resembles Thymine Enol form resembles T'
What are the forms of 5-bromouracil and what do they resemble? Keto form - thymine Enol form - 'T which can BP w/ guanine
Name 3 different types of mutations that affect protein function Silent Missense Nonsense
What's the effect of a silent mutation? Changes codon to another codon Encodes the same amino acid.
What's the effect of a missense mutation? Changes codon encodes a different amino acid altering amino acid sequence
What's the effect of a Nonsense mutation? Changes codon to a stop codon causes protein truncation.
What are the potential consequence of single base pair changes? LOF of gene GOF of gene No effect on gene activity
Why is it unlikely for a SBP change to be serious? Only ~1% of the human genome is protein coding
Why isn't this true for E.Coli? As only ~12% of the genome is non-protein coding.
What can cause INDELs? Replication slippage in replicating DNA
What do DNA intercalating agents cause? Insertions Frameshift mutations
What are DNA intercalating agents? Base-analogues that wedge into the DNA heilx
Name an example of a DNA intercalating agent Ethidium Bromide an intercalated dye
What is replication slippage? Loss/gain of base(s) occurring commonly in long stretches of the same base.
What is Huntington's caused by? CAG (Glutamate) repeats If >40 repeats occur by FW/BW slippage If the looped out repeat is annealed then the repeat expands during replciation.
What are the effects of small INDELs within the coding strand? (3) Leads to frameshift Multiples of 3 don't cause frameshift, do alter protein. Can cause triplet expansion diseases like Huntington's.
What are the effects of small INDELs outside of a coding strand? Effect often silent, although can alter gene regulator function.
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