1.1 ; atoms ✓


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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is an atom? An atom is a tiny particle which make up everyone and everything around us
define an element element a substance made up of one type of atom
If there are only around 100 types of atoms around the World, around how many types of elements are there in the world? There are only about 100 different elements in the World
Each element has a symbol. For example, the symbol for hydrogen is .... H = hydrogen
What are the columns of the periodic table called? They are called groups and elements in the same group have similar chemical properties
On which side of the Periodic Table can you find the metals? Metals are found on the left side whilst non-metals are found on the right
What is a compound? materials that are made up of different types of atoms bonded together
An atom has a tiny _____ at its centre, surrounded by _______. An atom has a tiny nucleus at its centre, surrounded by electrons.
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