Family Issues


Karteikarten am Family Issues , erstellt von Vani Jadeja am 21/03/2018.
Vani Jadeja
Karteikarten von Vani Jadeja, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Vani Jadeja
Erstellt von Vani Jadeja vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Divorce/ separation of parents Divorce: The legal dissolution of marriage.
Divorce rates are higher among: 1.Blacks than whites 2. among lower-income couples 3. Couples who cohabitated, 4. Couples who do not have children, 5. People who marry at a relatively young age, 6.Whose parents divorced
Adjusting to Divorce 1. more difficult and disruptive for women than for men 2. Women are less likely than their ex-husbands to have adequate income or a satisfying job. 3. Custodial mothersexperienced a 36% percent decrease in their standard of living, whereas non custodial fathers experienced a 28%increase. 4. highpreoccupation with one’s ex-spouse is associated with poorer adjustment to divorce
Factors associated with favorable adjustment after a divorce include 1. Having higher income 2. Getting remarried 3. Having more positive attitudes about divorce 4. Being the partner who initiated the divorce
effects of divorce on children 1. research by Wallerstein and E. Mavis Hetherington showed that divorce Can be difficult on children, but majority adjust after a few years 2. Can be beneficial if the parents; relationship is dominated by conflict.
3. Experiencing divorce duringchildhood is a risk factor for many subsequent problemsin one’s adult years, including maladjustment, marital instability, and reduced occupational attainments 4. children exhibit depression, anxiety, nightmares, dependency, aggression, withdrawal, distractibility, loweredacademic performance, reduced physical health, precocious sexual behaviour, and substance abuse
Remarriage and Step families 1. The majority of divorced people eventually remarry. 2. However, divorce rates are slightly higher for second, than for first, marriages.
Step families or blended families 1. in which both spouses bring children from a previous relationship ; are increasingly common and present unique adjustment challenges
2. Wallerstein andLewis (2007) argue that there is an inherent instability in parenting, 3. children in stepfamilies are a little less well-adjusted thanchildren in first marriages and are roughly similar in adjustment to children in single- parent homes
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