Group 1 metals


Karteikarten am Group 1 metals, erstellt von Miss C Rodgers am 28/03/2018.
Miss C Rodgers
Karteikarten von Miss C Rodgers, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Miss C Rodgers
Erstellt von Miss C Rodgers vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Why are lithium, sodium and potassium placed in group 1? They have 1 electron in the outer shell
Why are they also called alkali metals? When they react with water they form an alkali solution (lithium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide)
Why are group 1 metals stored in oil? The oils prevents them reacting with oxygen
List 4 properties of group 1 metals that are different to other metals They have low melting points they are very soft low density (float)react quickly with wter
What is produced when lithium reacts with water? Lithium + Water = Lithium hydroxide +Hydrogen(g)
What is observed when lithium reacts with water? It fizzes slowly on top of the water
What is produced when sodium reacts with water? sodium + water=sodium hydroxide +hydrogen (g)
What is observed when sodium reacts with water? It forms a molten ball and fizzes quickly on top of the water
What is observed when potassium reacts with water? It produces a lilac flame and moves very quickly on the top of the water
How can you test for hydrogen gas? Plunge a lit splint into the test tube of gas. If it produces a squeaky pop, it is hydrogen.
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