Data and Quality of Data


These are flash cards I have made on the topic Data and Quality of Data (particularly for the subject ICT). Hope they are useful!
Karteikarten von N H, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von N H vor etwa 10 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Define the term data (2) Data is raw facts and figures. They have no context and no meaning. They can be alphanumeric, videos or sound. Data has not been processed.
Define the term information (2) Information is data that has been processed by the computer. Processed can mean having calculations performed on the data or organising the data in some way.
Define the term knowledge (2) Knowledge is obtained from information by applying rules to it. Knowledge is an application of information to a situation. EXAMPLE: sell by date of a sandwich was 1st September 2012, it is out of date and therefore if I eat this sandwich I am likely to become ill.
State the formula used to define information (3) Data + Meaning + Context = Information
Give 3 types of data (3) Alphanumeric, graphics, videos or sound
In the context of a supermarket, give an example of Data, Information and Knowledge (3) Data - 140512 Information – 14 May 2012 is the sell by date of a sandwich Knowledge – The sandwich is past its sell by date. If I eat this sandwich I will become ill
State 4 factors which make good quality data (4) *fit for purpose F *accurate A *unbiased U *up to date U *valid V REMEMBER: D(Data)FAUUV
Explain the meaning of the term GIGO (2) Garbage in garbage out. When you put inaccurate data in to a computer system you get inaccurate data processed (outputted) and not produce information that is useless and cannot be used.
Explain what encoding is and give a suitable example (2) Encoding is assigning codes to data and reducing its size. An example would be Size of clothes- S= Small, M= Medium, L= Large
Describe 2 reasons why data is encoded (2) *Encoded data is quicker to input/type in to a computer system (Do not except “It is quicker/faster to type in”) We do not know what they mean by “it”. *Encoded data takes up less storage space on disk *Encoded data is easier to check using validation methods. *Encoded data is faster to access *Encoded data is quicker to send over a network
It is important that data entered into the computer is accurate. Explain 2 consequences of processing inaccurate data (2) *Incorrect decision being made resulting in loss of money, goods being sent to wrong address, people being refused credit etc. *Loss of goodwill and trust from other companies and customers *Wasting time having to sort out the mistakes *Prosecuted under the data protection act 1998 for not keeping accurate personal data records.
In a database system a user has to input data into certain fields using a keyboard. Give 3 different types of errors the user could make (3) *Transcription error *Transposition error *Input error *Processing error
A person’s date of birth is entered into a database. State and describe 2 things the validation program could check regarding this date as part of validation (2) *Format check – so that date is entered as dd/mm/yy *Presence check – to check the dob has been entered *Range check – to check the number of days does not go past for that month *Range check – check to D.O.B is not after today’s date
Describe what a range check is in terms of data validation. Give an example (2) Data validation technique which checks that the data input to a computer is within a certain range. Example would be checking the data of birth of a yr 9 pupil. If there date of birth is lower than 2000, the system wouldn’t allow that person to enter that date as they are too old for yr 9.
Describe what a presence check is in terms of data validation. Give an example (2) Is used to check that data is entered into the correct fields. For example entering your username and password on Edmodo.
Topic 1 Data and Quality of Data Exam Questions Topic 1 Data and Quality of Data Exam Questions
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