Urinary Systems and Electrolytes IV


Karteikarten am Urinary Systems and Electrolytes IV, erstellt von J yadonknow am 30/03/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Kidney 7 major functions Water balance (vol reg.) Osmotic balance Ionic balance pH balance BP regulation Waste excretion Hormone production
4 major principles of urine production 1. Filtration 2. Re-absorption 3. Secretion 4. Excretion (Micturition)
Role of glomerulus in filtration Afferent arteriole to glomerulus leaves via efferent arteriole inside glomerulus is glomerular tuft
How is a material xchange maintained in glomerulus constant vasoactivity
What are the pressures? HSP of fluid against wall
How does ultrafiltration occur? 3 layer filtration barrier endothelium cell basement process foot process of podocyte
What is glomerular filtration rate? 120mL/min (180L/day) How much blood is passed through your glomerulus per minute
What is the BM selective against? Charge + size
What is clearance? Ability of kidney to filtrate blood
Work out Net HSP Glom. capillary p - intracapsular p
Work out net filtration pressure Net HSP - COP
What are JGA cells? Cells that line afferent arteriole sense BF into kidney and produce renin
What allows them to do this Macula densa cells, which detect flow in the tubule lumen
Why are tubule epithelial cells unique? Relatively impermeable due to LBL comp. TJ Have polarity
What is meant by polarity proteins can be directed to either apical or basolateral membrane
Function of PCT epi cells large microvilli major site of reabsorption secretion of toxins here
DL fucntion very permeable to water due to lack of tight junctions water reabsorption
AL function Reabsorption of ions
DCT Reabsorption + secretion maintain acid-base balance
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