Cell Signalling V


Karteikarten am Cell Signalling V, erstellt von J yadonknow am 01/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Important plant hormone classes + R location AGECBP Auxins - IC Giberellins - IC Ethylene - IC Cytokinins - Cell surf. Brassinosteroids - Cell surf Photoreceptors - Cell surf BLUE IC Red
Auxins Natural plant auxin is indoleacetic acid Produced in seed embryo, meristems of apical buds and young leaves
Auxin function Stim. stem elongation, root growth + branching Enhances apical development Fruit development
Transport A.T. unidirectional shoot-base Polar transport.
MOA (3) Bind to Nuc. R, which is a ubiquitin L Binding promotes Ubiquitinylation + degradation of repressor protein Suppression of gene transcription is relieved
Apical Dominance Apex of stem has actively growing apical bud Ap. bud suppresses lat. bud development/ branching Caused by Ap. bud producing auxin in abundance
Giberellins Promote seed germination + growth of stems/roots (amylase/proteases) Flowering Break winter dormancy
Transport Cell to cell transport Can act locally (paracrine) or on distant sites
MOA Binds to cyto R, a ubiquitin L Hormone/R complex then translocates to nucleus Repressor protein is ubiquitinylated, degraded, and transcription proceeds
Effects Turns dwarf plants to normal Makes seedless grapes huge, removing seeds removes gibberellin makes fruit growth retarded
Ethylene Found in ripening fruit/ ageing leaves/flowers
Functions Promotes fruit ripening Blocks auxin and promotes leaf abscission + flower senescence Response to mechanical stress
Transport Pass through CW/air via diffusion
MOA Ethylene R in ER/Golgi membrane W/O ethylene, R +'s KB-> + molecule C - of ethylene R prevents KB action, allows C to + D which influences transcription
Common plant kinase Serine/threonine
Cytokinins All over the place the cheeky slags
Functions *** Promotes Cell / *** Inhibits leaf senescence Promotes auxiliary bud growth Chloro differentiation
Transport Long distance / paracrine
MOA + promotion of cytokinin-sensitive gene expression L binding = + of kinase dom. of AHK R (Arabdopsis histidine kinase) IM AHP protein +pi His of ARR TF ARR +, gene transcription occurs
Regulating cell cycle w/ cytokinins Histidine kinase use phosphate transfer
Brassinosteroids All over the place, slags as well
Brassinosteroids function Promote xylem differentiation Pt growth Seed germination Apical dominance Leaf senescence cell elongation Cell / in shoots
Transport Cell to cell, paracrine, don't travel
MOA Bind to cell surf R when has K activity Induces signal cascade Ultimately - an inhibitory K of a TF that activates brassinosteroid sensitive genes. (So quite selfish) This can +Pi Tyr/ser/threonine
Photoreceptors-Blue light Contain either cryptochromes/phototropin/zeaxathin as ph. pig Cell Surf R
Red light Phytochromes IC R
Phytochrome 2 SU that etect red light Portion w/ chromophore for light detection Kinase domain for catalysis
MOA Resides in cyto Detects red light Translocates to nucleus modulates gene transcription by Directly binding and + TF Indirectly by +Pi TF
GPCR Plants vs. Humans
GCR1/GPA1 knockout mutation Viable, but weird phenotype
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