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Reproductive Systems - Female reproduction III


Karteikarten am Reproductive Systems - Female reproduction III, erstellt von J yadonknow am 05/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor fast 7 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Proliferation phase Oestrogen secreted by developing follicle leads to growth + thickening of the endometrium Uterine glands develop in endo, don't secrete yet
Secretory (progestational) phase C.L. secretes pro + oestradiol Prog + uterine glands to produce uterine milk - high in pro + glycogen Provides correct environment should ovum fertilisation occur
Menstrual phase - shedding C.L. regresses no prog/o endo no longer maintained, necrosis occurs Expelled w blood as menstrual fluid
Implantation delay Fertilised ovum begins to divide, reaches uterus in 3/4 days gives time for endom to develop to a suitable state for imp. of developing blastocysts
Day 9 what does the blast produce? Developing blast produces hCG at high levels for 8 weeks
Function of hCG prevents C.L. from regressing
How does fertilisation signal that it's taken place? hCG signals CL to continue prog. secretion
What's the false negative hCG drops at 4 months, gives off false negative
What takes over hCG secretion after this? Placenta
Placenta hormones (4) hCG Progesterone oESTROGEN hPL
hCG function ensures continued secretion of progesterone in early pregnancy
Progesterone function for 'metrium Maintains endometrium decr. myometrial excitability
Oestrogen in devo Important for build up of uterine muscle + mammary development
hPL Human placental lactogen Secreted ~ 10 weeks into gestation Regulates foetal growth and co-ordinates foetal/maternal metabolism
Partuirition is Contraction of myometrium sufficiently strong enough to expel foetus
Contractions + by: High O:Prog
Why? Upregulates oxytocin R in myometrium Circulating oxytocin can bind + induce muscle contraction
What else stims. contraction? (2) Pressure of foetus against cervix PFF-2alpha
example of? Neuroendocrine reflex
MOA ^ Oxytocin secretion from P.P. Stronger contractions +FDBCK cycle progressively ^ until cervical dilation + delivery are completed.
Synthetic oxytocin Pitocin
How does elevated PLACENTAL Og:Prog stim. lactation? during gestation this stim. promotes development of ducts + alveoli in mammary glands
Prolactin stim. stim. synthesis of enzymes essential for milk production by alveolar epithelial cells
What else stim lactation? Withdrawal of placental steroids (removal of placenta)
Suckling MOA (4) Sustains lactation Triggers release of oxy/prolactin ox = milk ejection pro = milk synth.
Hormone feedback suckling suckling Mechanoreceptors in nipple Hypothalamus Nervous pathway / dopamine P.P. / A.P. ^ Oxytocin / ^ prolactin contraction / milk synth
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