BBS Online Advetising Flashcards


Karteikarten am BBS Online Advetising Flashcards, erstellt von Am1R5 am 19/09/2014.
Karteikarten von Am1R5, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Am1R5 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising? Pay-per-click (PPC) involves websites or web pages hosting ads for other companies. If someone clicks an ad, they will be re-directed to the advertiser’s website. The affiliate recieves money if the ad is successful.
What is Email Advertising? This uses Emails to market the company. Many people view this as spam and junk if sent as unsolicited bulk emails. The customer information is generally obtained through third parties.
What Are Pop-Ups and Banners? These are adverts that appear at the top of web pages or on a seperate window. Most of the time they aqre animated in order to capture attention.
What Is Online Advertising? Online advertising is using the internet to promote products and services.
What Are The Three Types Of Online Advertising? 1) Email Marketing 2) Pay Per Click 3)Pop Ups/Banners
How might a company advertise on a search engine? A company might advertise on a search engine by paying for the priviledge to appear at the very top of a results page.
How Might You Recognise A Paid Advert On A Search Engine? Besdide the result there will be a little icon. On Google for example this icon is a small yellow triangle with the word 'Ads'
Which Style Of Advertising Utilises The Affiliate Model? Pay Per Click (PPC)
What Is An Affiliate Website? An affiliate is the host company for a PPC advert.
What Is A Disadvantage Of Using Emails To Advetise? People will almosgt always delete the advert rather than read it. If teh company sends repeat emails there is a large cance the company will be added to the junk/spam folder.
What Is Spam? Spam is where identical messages are recieved by a large number of recipients.
What Is Unsolicited Bulk Email? This is where emails are sent to a recipient without requesting them.
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