Chapter 1


UPSC History (Class 7th NCERT) Karteikarten am Chapter 1, erstellt von Prachi Kandhway am 13/04/2018.
Prachi Kandhway
Karteikarten von Prachi Kandhway, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Prachi Kandhway
Erstellt von Prachi Kandhway vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Cartographer One who makes map
Minhaj-i-Siraj A chronicler who used the term Hindustan in 13th century to refer to areas of Punjab, Haryana and the land btw Ganga and Yamuna.
Archive A
Period btw 700-1750 1. New technologies made their appearance like a. Persian wheel in irrigation b. Spinning wheel in weaving c. Firearm in combtas 2. New food and beverages arrived like: a. Potato b. Corn c. Chillies D. Tea and coffee 3. Period of great mobility; brought social, economical, political and cultural change
Emergence of pesants 1. Due to extension of agriculture, many forest dwellers converted into peasants. 2. They became part of complex societies and significant social and economic differences emerged btw peasants. 3. As society ecame more differentiated it was divided into jatis
Jatis 1. Ranked on basis of background and occupation of people. 2. These ranks not fixed pemanently; varied according to power, influence and resources controlled by members of jaati 3. Status of same jati can vary from area to area. 4. Framed their own rules and regulations through jati panchayat.
Periods Historians to study passing time divided past into segments called periods
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