

A-Levels psycho Karteikarten am schizophrenia, erstellt von danniellerb94 am 15/06/2013.
Karteikarten von danniellerb94, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von danniellerb94 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what is schizophrenia ? a psychotic disorder, an umbrella term of lots of disorders, affects 1% of the general population
age to get it ? associated with the young, males (late teens early 20s), females(late 20s early 30s)
5types of schizophrenia? paranoid, catatonic, disorganised, indifferential and residual
paranoid afraid others are talking about you/ after you and manipulating you
catatonic two extremes -extreme excitement and extreme social withdrawl
disorganised socially inappropriate, most serious one to have, starts early then the rest in terms of age
indifferantial shows signs of paranoid, catatonic and disorganised.
residual schizophrenia in remission
positive symptoms (adds something to it) hallucinations(auditory/visual/tactile) delusions(false beliefs) formal thought disorder (neologism)
negative symptoms (take something away) poverty of speech flattening effect social withdrawl
study in detail -rosenhan being sane in insane places 8 psuedo patients 7admitted with schizo 1 with something else 7-52 days 19 being avarage doctors cant distinguish the sane from insane DSM is not valid.
2 strengths of rosenhan 1)high ecological validity - field exp. 2) generalised -used range of hospitals over the country
2 weakness of rosenhan 1) ethics broke -deception/no consent of staff 2) spitzer- how the patients behaved and not that the doctors couldnt tell
2 treatments drug therapy cognitive behavioural therapy
drug therapy clozapine (1970s) dopamine decreases neurolgitics (1950s) sedates not cures side effects: sedation/dry mouth/weight gain +
strength and weakness of drug therapy + they can try to be normal -dont have to be hospitalised. - relies of patient taking them 50%dont comply.
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) challenges the way the participants think , mixture of learning and cognitive approach, patients told to ignore vocies through operant conditioning
a strength and weakness of CBT + chadwick -22 patients heard voices after 8hrs of CBT symptoms reduced. - relies of client wanting procedure to work.
2 explanations of schizo biological and cognitive
biological explanation 2parts -genetics and biochemical, genes - runs in families biochemical - to much dopamine international schizo consortium (ISC) says there is a fault in genes 22,1 and 15 this causes it.
1 strength and weakness of genetic explanation + gottesman -data from 41 studies in europe found genetics played a part as does enviorment. - season of birth hypotheses
1 strength and weakness of biochemical explanation +randrup and mukhurd -increased levels of dopamine (amphetimine) in rats found they showed increased symptoms. - hard to know if cause of effect.
cognitive explanation a problem with processing information , cant recognise when behaviour is their own and that its being carried out by them, this leads to distorted beliefs.
1 strength and weakness of cognitive explanation + firth and done-compared schizos with and without hallucinations to non schizos with a video game that tests ability to process info found that schizos with hallucinations did the worst. -reductionist -only looks at cog view
goldstein(other study) to see if there is a difference between men and women in age of onset of schizo and if men get it worse, used secondary data, compared 199 men and women with schizo (on admittance and discharge of hospital for less then 6months. all between 18-45years.
1 strength and weakness of goldstein +men an women matched in terms of age/martial status etc. -still relatively small sample
2 research methods twin studies -easy to see genetic link animal studies -batemans cube - easy and cheap to use.
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