Sociology -Culture


What is Culture?
angeline martin
Karteikarten von angeline martin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
angeline martin
Erstellt von angeline martin vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Culture Consists of beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that define society of peoples way of life
Non-material culture Intangible creations of human creations of human society
Material culture Tangible products of human society
Language Is a system of symbols that allows member of a society to communicate with one another
Values Are culturally defined standards by which people judge desirability, goodness and beauty, wand which serve as broad guidelines for social living
Beliefs Specific statements that people who share culture hold to e true. Values and beliefs tend to support each other
Norms Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members Two special types: 1. Mores: norms that have great moral significance 2. Folkways- norms that have less moral significance that ores and guide routine or casual interaction
Material Culture Reflects a society's TECHNOLOGY, the knowledge (and objects produced from that knowledge) that a society of people uses
Socioculture Evolution (Lenski) changes in organizational characteristics of society Example: size, degree of occupational specialization and degree of relative social inequality (are driven by changes in the level of technology)
Countercultures Are cultural patterns that strongly oppose accepted culture within a society
Three phenomena promote cultural change 1. Invention- the process of creating new cultural elements 2. Discovery- recognizing and understanding and idea not fully understood before 3. Diffusion- the spread of cultural traits form one cultural system to another
Ethnocentrism Is the practice of judging another culture by standards of one's own culture
Theoretical analysis of culture Cultural universals Cultural universal are traits that are found in every known culture
Sociobiology Is a theoretical approach that explores ways in which biological forces affect human culture. It is grounded in art in Darwin's theory not evolution
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