
Karteikarten am TCL3, erstellt von Josselyne Grajeda am 27/04/2018.
Josselyne Grajeda
Karteikarten von Josselyne Grajeda, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josselyne Grajeda
Erstellt von Josselyne Grajeda vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
MYTHS A myth is a traditional story that refers to prodigious projects, carried out by supernatural or extraordinary beings, tales like gods, demigods, heroes, monsters EXMPL: yesterday my uncle told me the myth of the weeping woman
ERUPTED Opening or breaking a thing by the effect of pressure or heat EXMPL: The gas pump erupted
SECEDED Separation or independence of a nation from part of its people or its territory EXMPL: the president seceded the city
ASSASSINATED kill a person in the act EXMPL: He assassinated the ex presiden
RAISED Raised on a level; high EXMPL: I`m go
CAB The cab is a means of transport that consists of a rental vehicle with a driver (cab driver) EXMPL: she is going to take a cab
COUGH expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound. EXMPL: Your cough is really persistent; you should go to the doctor.
DEALER That is dedicated to tread. EXMPL: A dealer of works of art
DRUNK affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior. EXMPL: Couldn't you tell that she was drunk last night?
FEED give food to. EXMPL: Jorge feeds the baby at 4 am
GALLOP In riding, the gallop is called to the horse's march EXMPL: The white mare Ann was riding was going at full gallop.
GROOM EXMPL: The father of the bride and the mother of the groom were the first people in the bridal procession
HARNESS Use a thing so that you can get the most out of it EXMPL: the fabric that you over the curtains can be used to make cushions
HAY Mown and dried grass used for cattle feed EXMPL: The horse eat hay
HUNT Search and chase certain animals to capture them or kill them EXMPL: In England it is popular to go out hunting foxes.
MARE Horse female EXMPL: The horse has a beautiful mare by his side
OATS Herbaceous plant of the family of grasses, of thin stems and narrow leaves EXMPL:Juan, el granjero, cosecho avena ayer.
PAT From the palm of the hand or the palm of the hull of the animals EXMPL:
RACE March on foot at fast speed and with impulses, so that both feet stay a moment in the air EXMPL: Give yourself a career and you reach it.
RUIN Big loss of fortune EXMPL: When his ruin came, his wife abandoned him
SHOUT talk too loudly EXMPL: I'm right next to you; there's no need to shout!
DULL boring EXMPL: The thesis was so dull that I fell asleep reading it.
CHARMED Lucky, blessed EXMPL: David has always been so lucky; he seems to lead a charmed life
FLEE run away from EXMPL: Millions flee hunger and persecution each year.
QUICKLY rapidly EXMPL: The government moved quickly to rescue the flood victims
JOURNEY extended travel EXMPL: We went on a journey around South America.
BORED uninterested EXMPL: The bored children wanted to play outside.
SWEEP act of brushing or cleaning EXMPL: The bathroom floor is covered in hairs; a sweep will get it clean.
CAPTIVE prisoner EXMPL: The enemy troops have over two hundred captives.
FLOOD water EXMPL: The government sent the military to help save people from the flood.
WON come first in, be victorious in EXMPL: Our team won the game 3-2.
ABILITY talent EXMPL: After years of practicing, Bill now has the ability to play the piano beautifully.
DEJECTED despondent EXMPL: Jeff felt dejected after failing his math test.
SWAMP wetlands EXMPL: Alligators live in the swamp.
GLEAMING shining EXMPL: The gleaming object we saw turned out to be a metal roof.
THOUGHT idea EXMPL: I just had a thought: What if we work together?
SuRROUND police: encircle The police surrounded the building.
ERUPTED volcano: eject lava EMPL: When was the last time Mount Etna erupted?
FESTOONS decorate EXMPL: The girl's parents had festooned the hall for her birthday party.
LOCH NESS it is an extensive and deep lake of fresh water that is in the Highlands EXMPL: The lonch ness have a monster
CREATURE animal, beast EXMPL: You find all sorts of interesting creatures living in fallen tree trunks.
BENEATH lower socially than EXMPL: He married a woman far beneath him socially.
SPOT stain EXMPL: There is a ketchup spot on your shirt there.
BRIGHT emitting lots of light EXMPL: The sun is bright today.
DIZZY feeling vertiginous EXMPL: Robert was dizzy after spinning around in circles
CLEVER erson: ingenious EXMPL: Most people will agree that Einstein was an incredibly clever man.
CONCEITED egotistical EXMPL: Owen is conceited and difficult to talk to.
CORPSE dead body EXMPL: Little Mary lay perfectly still and tried not to breath, pretending she was a corps
MURKY liquid, glass, etc.: cloudy EXMPL: The crocodile waited in the murky water.
DWELLS formal, literary (live) EXMPL: George has dwelled here all his life.
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