President Nixon - Domestic policy and Watergate


A level History (AMERICA) Karteikarten am President Nixon - Domestic policy and Watergate, erstellt von Emily Bevis am 06/05/2018.
Emily Bevis
Karteikarten von Emily Bevis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emily Bevis
Erstellt von Emily Bevis vor mehr als 6 Jahre

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Nixon reputation by 1968 - Political career over after 1960 failure - Lost 1962 California Governor race - BUT :) campaign with Goldwater 1964 - Rebuild his public image = 'safe pair of hands' in period of social upheaval - Answered 'ordinary' Americans Qu's - Southern conservative voters shift support towards Nixon and Reps - Wide support outside of Rep party
Democrats in 1968 - Vietnam = largely dividing - Criticism of LBJ's social policies = riots against CR policies - particularly SOUTH - After narrow win in first primary LBJ announce not seek nomination - Bobby Kennedy = frontrunner but shot after Cali primary victory - Hubert Humphrey = LBJ VP won nomination - 10,000 protesters at Demo convention (later card)
1968 Democrat Convention - 10,000 protesters = SDS, Yippies, anti-war groups - Chicago Mayor recruit 23,000 police and National guard to ensure no disruption - BUT police used brutality and tear gas = caused violent riot - Broadcast across US - Benefited Nixon campaign = popularity lead in double figures
Why was Nixon able to win the 1968 election? * OPPOSITON = Reagan had no experience and Humphrey unpopular * CAMPAIGN = learnt from 60s - swing state visits, attack Demos, 'peace with honour' in Vietnam, pre-edited TV footage * SOUTH sun belt = promise to slow the rate of change, increasing population = power, New federalism * MIDDLE AMERICA = "silent majority", :( with change and riots, 55% of population * DEMO CONVENTION = Nixon focus on $$
Results of election - Nixon = only got 43.4% of popular vote - 2.5m less votes than 1960 loss - Wallace took 10m votes in south away from Demos = :) Nixon - Democrats remained Congress majority
Nixon administration members - VP = Spiro Agnuew - National reputation created after insult ghettos and black leaders in Baltimore - Popular with 'middle America' - Henry Kissinger = National Security Advisor = key FP influence - Favour bypassing diplomatic process - 'The Berlin Wall' as Halderman and Ehrlichman control White House access - Appointed 4 Supreme Court justices - e.g. Warren Burger = Conservative court
Important issues to Nixon's administration - Vietnam = public desire for peace + high $ - Inflation = 4.7% = worsened the 3.3% unemployment rate - New Federalism = State and Local Assistance Act 1972 = scale back role of federal gov - $4b a year to each state - Environment = most legislation - 1970 Earth Day, Envirn. Protection Act (EPA), Clean Air Act - Law and Order = against drug abuse - 1970 Drug Abuse Prevention and control Act and 1973 Drug Enforcement Agency
Nixon's image - CONTRAST to 1960 - Celebrity friendships = Elvis visit Oval office - TV appearances = 'Laugh-in' sketch show :) - BUT true character = paranoid, vindictive, amoral, cynical = revealed 1972 Watergate - created an 'enemies list' - convinced media out to get him
New Economic Policy - Forced changed economic policy after unemployment = 6.6% and lost 12 HOR seats in 1970 - Policy intro Aug 1971 - reverse many previously followed polices - e.g. wage cuts, price freezes, tax cuts, 10% import tax, end 1944 Bretton-Woods Accord (value of dollar to gold) - Immediate approval and $ boom
What caused the energy crisis? - Inflation rates = increased gas prices - 1973 OPEC oil embargo ended = price rise by 387% - Result of angry Arab states at falling value of dollar and 1973 Yom Kippur war involvement
Impact of energy crisis - Ordinary Americans = :( - Pay 30% more for petrol/heating oil - Cheap energy always been core to US strong economy - Long queues - Inflation rise to 12.1% = RECESSION - Nixon had no solution
Welfare and taxation - Advocate for 'self-help' = min gov. $$ - attacked the Great Society during 1968 - Successfully shrunk OEO and 59 Job Corps closed - Welfare federal funding cut - Attempted replace with Family Assistance Programme = failed 1972 as NOT enough $ - BUT sympathetic as increase $ for social security, medicare/aid and SSI intro ($ for elderly and disabled)
Position of civil rights 1968-70 - Public opposed CR after 1964-8 race riots and LBJ high spending - Black power in decline = growing divisions - FBI 'dirty tricks' = tap phones, undercover agents, frame Panthers for crimes - Leaders = criminal record - 1973 = SNCC and CORE became militant and lost support
Impact of Busing - campaign against de-facto segregation - 'Busing' kids to different neighbourhood - 1971 Swann v Charlotte court ruling CONSTITUTIONAL - 8/1 opposed this ruling - N constitutional amendment REJECTED - Court balance = conservative after N appointments - 1974 Miliken v Bradley ruled Detroit busing unconstitutional
What was the Philadelphia Plan? - Affirmative action programme - Executive Order 1970 - "reverse discrimination" - required Gov contractors to hire minority workers to reach set targets - Upheld by Supreme Court - Nixon's biggest CR success?
Other CR successes under Nixon - Increased number of Af-Am attending college - Black studies courses at Duke, Cornell, Harvard - 1968 = first female black Congresswoman - 1971 Congressional Black Caucus founded by the 13 Congressmembers
How did Nixon and Kissinger try and stop the anti-war protests? - Believe Vietnam negotiations only possible after protests stop - Reduced troop numbers = 1969 85,000 troops withdrawn - alter draft criteria = 20 y/o + not affected - Censor reality of war - BUT NO success as protests continue
Celebrities supporting anti-war movement - John Lennon and Yoko Ono = 1969 bed-in - 'Give peace a chance' song = anthem - 1969 Vietname Moratorium March - Jane Fonda = visit North Vietnam in 1972 - increase protest publicity
Student protests - at forefront as protested variety of issues - Uni of Colorado = radical students blew up buildings after Af-Am scholarships frozen - Demand for greater campus equality - Kent State Uni 1970 = National guard shot 4 students + 11 wounded during protest against Gov involvement in Cambodia - Jackson State = 2 shot and 14 wounded
Public reaction to student protests * 1964 = 84% believed Gov had previously been too soft on protestors * 1/2 believed students were to blame * Nixon unsuccessfully dealt with protests = insulting (dead) activists * NY 1970 = protestors attacked for lack of patriotism by construction workers
Protests after 1970 - 1970 = highest point - rate declined after troop withdrawal - 1971 Washington = Vietnam veterans threw 700 medals on capitol building steps - 1971 NYC = 15 anti-war veterans climb statue of Liberty and fly flag upside down
Nixon response to protests - Realised withdrawing troops = key to reducing protests - Threatened end federal scholarships/loans for convicted student criminals - Surveillance on disruptive groups - Spring 1970 = 10,000 arrested in Washington
Feminism - Gloria Steinem = spoke of how little Nixon's administration had done - Fem protests got lost in the climate of anti-war protests - Nixon executive order = increase number of female employees in administration - Sex discrimination issues to be enforced by Justice Department under CRA - 1973 Roe v Wade = BREAKTHROUGH
1972 election - landslide victory with 60.7% popular vote - 49/50 states won - Result of foreign policy victories and middle America support - Nixon = 52% of white collar voters - McGovern = DEMO = too liberal - BUT Nixon cheating with CREEP
Role of CREEP - Committee for the Re-election - Illegal fundraising = $60m in contributions = $250,000 from McDonalds for Gov to ignore unauthorised price rises - Political subversion = discredit Demo candidates - Criminal surveillance = Watergate as break into Demo headquarters - Wiretap 11 officials to ensure VW secrets not being leaked
Who was Ellsberg? Released the Pentagon papers = private Gov papers of Vietnam War policy = protect by Supreme Court ruling under freedom of speech
White House Special Investigation Unit - 1971= the 'Plumbers' - Gordon Liddy = ran CREEP surveillance, electronic eavesdropping, kidnapping opponents - E.Howard Hunt = wore wig, glasses, voice change, try expose Kennedy sex scandal - Charles Colson = radical scheme ideas, feeding LSD to anti-Nixon campaigners before on TV
Watergate break-ins - 1972 = organised burglary of DNC headquarters - CREEP members - Discovered by security guard - Not clear how much Nixon knew of plan - Nixon and White House Chief of Staff discussed how to stop FBI investigation = obstruction of justice - the plumbers = imprisoned for 20/40 years
Nixon impeachment - Watergate committee investigate case = struggled to even find Reps supporting N - Become aware of existence of Nixon's taping system - Nixon fired Archibald Cox (in charge of releasing tapes) - approval rating decreased by 17% - Resignation of VP Agnew over state finance scandal = worsening admin reputation - Tapes released with part erased = SC ruling that all must be made public - 75% believed N guilty of cover-up - Congress investigations start Oct 1973 - support of only 15 Senators = RESIGNATION
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