
Karteikarten am Ohne Titel, erstellt von sianhorrigan am 28/09/2014.
Karteikarten von sianhorrigan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sianhorrigan vor etwa 10 Jahre

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The first thing that could be improved when filming our final music video is the technology we used. As you are able to see from the picture the video we made does not fill the screen like a professional music video would do. Therefore, making it look very unprofessional. The main reason for this is because we used an iPhone in order to do our filming which in our final piece will be change to a proper video recorder in order for our music videos to have a clearer focus and more professional.
Another thing that we would change is the planning process. As this was our first time filming a video we were very unprepared therefore the actors we used were also unprepared and in equipped. As you can see the costumes were not thought out and they clothing and setting doesn't really match the mise en scene a hip hop video is supposed to portray.
The choreography or lack of choreography needs to also be improved when creating our final pieces. Within the music video the actors had a free lance as such and when constructing our video it became apparent that it looked very unprofessional as the movements were not in sync with the music or the other participants.
When it came to effects as we were all new to using the software iMovie we were all unaware of what we could do therefore got a bit to effect happy. When create our final videos and having more understanding of the program used we will be able to use appropriate effects to make our music videos look more fluent. The image I have chosen show an effect called 'green screen' that we used which allows two clips to be played in one screen. However, looking back at it now it looks as though feet are stepping and crushing our artist making them seem unimportant and confusing the viewer.
Going back to the point we previously made about our actors being unprepared we must ensure that in our final piece they are aware of the songs lyrics as both of our artist used their phones in order to read lyrics off of which is something that you wouldn't see in a professional music videos.
Another thing to be improved on with more practice on iMovie is the use of transitions. Again like the effects we as a group used far too many which didn't make our music video flow fluently. Some of the transitions we used like the one I have screen shotted were more for power point presentations and made the music video lack clarity.
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