Cloud Computing & Ubiquitous


Karteikarten am Cloud Computing & Ubiquitous, erstellt von sarahbutler98 am 30/09/2014.
Karteikarten von sarahbutler98, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sarahbutler98 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Cloud computing means using computer space on another organisations computer. What are they also known as? host
name 4 major Cloud providers? 1. Amazon 2. Microsoft. 3. Google. 4. RackSpace.
There are 2 ways users can access this storage, what are they? 1. Web Browser 2. Mobile App
Name 3 benefits for a user when using a Cloud service 1. Cost. You only pay for the storage that you have used. You don’t have to provide and maintain the hardware locally. 2. Availability. Data and files may be available anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection. 3.Convenience. You will be able to accessit whenever you want
Name 3 concerns for a user when using a Cloud service 1.Security of data. As he files are being stored by the host, you have no control over them. You need to be aware of their security terms and policies. 2, Potentially lower performance. The speed of retrieval of data may be slower than it would be on a local database held in-house. 3, Software. The host might not be using the latest, fastest and most secure version.
Ubiquitous means ‘existing everywhere’. This is where the internet could be added to any device such as what specifically? 1. Clothing. 2. Appliances. 3. Vehicles. 4. Buildings 5. People.
This is technology that uses radio waves to track & identify people or products. Can you elaborate on how RF-ID could work in this situation? Cat using a cat flap:- The cat flaps that only open for the animal that has the correct chip in its collar.
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