VL5 Growth & Transformation


Karteikarten am VL5 Growth & Transformation, erstellt von Christian Weibel am 24/05/2018.
Christian Weibel
Karteikarten von Christian Weibel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Christian Weibel
Erstellt von Christian Weibel vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Reasons for growth - Enter new markets - Room for ideas - Power - Economies of scale / scope - Signaling - Raise entry barriers for competitors
Reasons not to grow - Bureaucracy grows - Loose existing customers - Overshooting - Increased complexity - Risk - Loss of control
What is financial growth? - Sales growth - Investment growth - Profit and asset growth But: Raise capital, investment needs
What is strategic growth? - Development of competencies to improve market position - Develop and defend competitive advantage - Company can raise resources and be successful
What is organizational growth? - Development of organization - Changes in structure, process and culture
Growth success factors - Growth oriented vision - Commitment to growth - Business growth planning - Business alliances
Greiner's 5 Phases of Growth 1. Growth through creativity, crisis of leadership 2. Growth through direction, crisis of autonomy 3. Growth through delegation, crisis of control 4. Growth through coordination, red-tape crisis 5. Growth through collaboration, crisis of ?
What means transformation? - The way an organization changes its established routines - Changes with revitalizing potential - Manifestation of corporate entrepreneurship
Challenges of transformation Transform the old into the new. Old management practices, systems, structures, and procedures into entrepreneurial strategies, into managing employees.
Elements of transformation 1. Necessity for change 2. Capability to change 3. Willingness for change
How to implement transformation? 1. Create sense of urgency - Call for immediate action 2. Build an adaptive organization - Initiate change - Increase opportunities - Share the entrepreneurial vision
Lewin's Model of Change 1. Unfreeze: Create awareness, generate involvement, motivate 2. Change: Implementation of change, moving, people learn and adapt 3. Refreeze: Stabilize, monitoring, positive rewards
Kotter's Model for Organizational Change 1. Build up feeling of urgency 2. Set up strong leading coalition 3. Create vision 4. Share the vision 5. Provide fnds for the change 6. Plan for short term success 7. Consolidate improvements & orient to more changes 8. Institutionalize the new approaches
Pitfalls in Transformation - No common communication basis - No common value system - No common problem awareness - Lack of trust - Too many uncertainties
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