ICT Terms - Part 1


Karteikarten am ICT Terms - Part 1, erstellt von Mr Mckinlay am 02/10/2014.
Mr  Mckinlay
Karteikarten von Mr Mckinlay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mr  Mckinlay
Erstellt von Mr Mckinlay vor etwa 10 Jahre

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3G 3G is a specification for the third generation of mobile communications technology. 3G promises increased bandwidth, up to 384 Kbps when a device is stationary or moving at pedestrian speed.
4G 4G is the term used to refer to the next wave of high-speed mobile technologies that will be used to replace current 3G networks.
Acceptable Use Policy In recent times, Internet Service Providers began to offer 'unlimited bandwidth' meaning you could download as many Gigabytes as you want.'Acceptable Use Policy' was also put in place to discourage abuse of the system, for example someone downloading video streams for hours on end, thus denying that bandwidth to other customers, would not be deemed 'Acceptable use' and the provider would throttle your bandwidth or even cut you off.
Acronym An acronym is a shortened version of a phrase, often taking the first letters.
Adware Adware is a type of software application that displays adverts of some kind while it is running. Sometimes developers will offer a 'free' version of their software on the condition you have to view adverts, they get paid by the number of people clicking on the ads. Quite often there is also a paid version of the same software that is advert-free.
Algorithm A computer programming term. This is the name given to a "defined set of steps that can be used to complete a task".
Anti-virus software This is refering to software that can detect the presence of a virus within a computer file and warn you there is a problem. The anti-virus software may then offer to 'quarantine' the file so it cannot be used to spread the virus.Many packages will also try to remove the virus, but this is not always successful.
Apps An application in a software program which enables you to perform a range of useful tasks. Examples of applications are word processing programs, spreadsheet software, databases or graphics packages.
Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (or AI) is the ability of a computer to perform tasks such as reasoning and learning that human intelligence is capable of doing.
ATM This stands for ' Automated Teller Machine'. This is a machine connected to the bank's computer system.
Backwards Compatible Most software continues to be developed after the first version comes out. So if you have purchased a later version of the software you can expect to be able to read files created from earlier versions. This is 'backward compatible'.
Bandwidth Bandwidth is the measure of capacity of a communications channel.
BCC A blind carbon copy or "bcc" are those people who are not directly involved with the email but they need to see it for information purposes
Beta Testing Beta testing is carried out when the code is nearly ready but it requires lots of users to try it out to see if there are any problems.
BIOS This is an acronym for basic input output system. The BIOS runs as part of the start up sequence when you switch on your computer. The BIOS contains all the code required to control the hardware e.g. keyboard, monitor, mouse.
Bitmap A Bitmap image is made up of a large number of dots or pixels which look like a picture as long as you are sitting a reasonable distance away from the screen. As soon as you zoom in close or enlarge the image, you will see the individual pixels.
Blogging A blog is a website that is used like a diary. Many people create a blog and then write regularly about things they have been doing or events which have taken place.
Bluetooth Bluetooth is the name given to a radio technology which allows signals to be transmitted wirelessly over short distances between telephones, computers and devices.
Boolean Search Boolean usually refers to logic. The most common statement in logic are AND, OR, NOT. A boolean search combines key words together using logic statements to link them together.
Broadband Broadband comes from the words 'broad bandwidth'. This term is applied to networks which can carry multiple channels of data. Each channel can carry a different signal e.g. moving images, sound or text.
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