4 big topics


Karteikarten am 4 big topics, erstellt von Natasha Hewer am 29/05/2018.
Natasha Hewer
Karteikarten von Natasha Hewer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Natasha Hewer
Erstellt von Natasha Hewer vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
should sociology contribute in social policy --------
social policy home office government - laws - direct impact
influences on policy government makes the decision - wether it should be used e.g. Black report 1980 ignored it thatcher
factors that influence sociological money * electorial support* media political ideology what government have to consider e.g. marijuana prostitution
persepctives --------
feminists yes - liberal , equal pay, education materials, refugees no - radical
marxism x - capitalism/government - seeing needs m/c
positivists/ functionalists yes - quantitive research - help government - give evidence
new right sociological research should match -new right thinking - Murray and thatcher
social democrat yes - makes recommendations - black report
new labour yes - hidden 'new ways' blair child benefit ema employment benefit EZA
Are we living in a postmodernist world -----
modernism no modernists - Marxist/ functionalists -25 years ago believed in science class was important traditional one job life will get better - EP nation-states - important religion ev - outdated no revelant
postmodernism yes present day identity individuals choice flexibility risk change class isnt important NRM's media saturated science - sceptical EP is over
postmodern argument fundamental break - new society, a new theory simulacra - fictional world -cant tell real from myth - made up e.g. towie Baudrillard hyperreality - cant tell the difference between real and image -cant improve society - made up a world - change identity -change identity changed improve society criticism -ignores ruling class control media -choice poverty - poor have no choice -self - defeating - loss of faith in science - cant get better
Theories of late modernity a mixture of modernism and positivism - yes and no no break/line so we ain't living in a postmodernism world giddens: reflexivity - thoughtful - rapid change- risk - monitor our behaviour -disembedded from traditional can improve society - better - EP beck - risk society - manufacter risk - man made, GM crops, Global warming -globalisation - EP still there improve ev - poor cant improve life - capitalism is the problem but useful - offers alternative to postmodernism view - offers hope and improvement
Marxist theories of postmodernism yes and no late capitalism marx - class environment, gay rights, LGBT - rainbow alliance - cause revolution -still going to happen flexible accumulation - capitalism - flexible -globalisation 27/7 - revolutions EP can still happen evaluation - good - offers an alternative view -allows modernism theories -offers hope
should sociology have values ------
no - postivists be scientific, objective, rational science will find out true answers Marx - communist society - scientific approach
weber values are important -stages of research 1 - decide idea = values 2- collect data - no values is open-mided 3- intrpretation 4 - responsbility - research
yes committed sociology values are important - desirable always going to have an opinion, havent thinking ideas reflection - values Gouldner - criticises positivists - spiritless technician - paid to produce - government - paymasters - HTS research + make - funding of chat they wanted responsible for own actions mydral - takes sides - values - 'free sociology' - impossible becker - underdogs -voice - quanlatitive criticism gouldner to becker - too romantic becker - disadvantaged - sentimental - gouldner fighting back to end oppression
relativism/ Postmodernism -no absolute truth just another metanarrative - values assumption ev) self-defeating - nothing is true
perspectives feminists - patriarchy functionalists - values - best Marxists - change - class
is sociology a science ----
yes - positivists sociology - causes patterns, quantative - logical - social facts induction - accumulating data verificationism - develop a theory - material/ cultural dep sociology is scientific e.g. Durkheim stats
no - intepretivits -human being - thought feeling -qualitative methods suicide - Atkinson - statistics false - coroners interpretation
postmodernism not a science - just another metanarrative
feminist science - distorted- patriarchy
marxists promotes capitalism - promtotes scientific consumer goods
what is science all views above see science as closed
popper science is open - falsified - argue in certain places it should be seen as a science but it is seen it as unscientific
kuhn sociology s not scientific/ open - paradigms
relaism science should be scientific black hole - unobservable patterns - no answer open - challenging sociology - class
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