

ICT Karteikarten am Computing, erstellt von sam bailey am 01/06/2018.
sam bailey
Karteikarten von sam bailey, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
sam bailey
Erstellt von sam bailey vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is PATTERN RECOGNITION? Finding patters and similarities to solve a problem.
What is a PROGRAMME? A sequence of instructions
What is PROGRAMMING? The process of writing computer software
What is a PSEUDOCODE? A method of writing a set of instructions for a computer programme.
What is SYNTAX? Rules governing how to write statements in a programming language
What is a VARIABLE? A computer programme this is a memory location where values are stored.
What is ABSTRACTION? The process of filtering out ideas.
What is an ALGORITHM? Instructions for carrying out a task in computing
What is COMPUTATIONAL THINKING? Problem solving method using computer science
What is DECOMPOSITION? Breaking down a problem into smaller parts
What is DESIGN CRITERIA? Principles and standard that designers should meet designing a system
What is a FLOWCHART? A diagram that shows a process
What is an INSTRUCTION? An action that can be performed by a computer processor
How do you find the average of the area you want? =avarage
How do you quickly get all the months of the year by just typing in January? Click, hold and drag down, the square with January in it.
Each page of a spreed sheet is called what? A worksheet
Write a formula to begin a sum =sum
What are the lines on a spreedsheet called? Borders
What are the symbols for add multiply divide and subtract + * / -
When creating a graph the X axis goes which way? Horizontal across the bottom of the graph
When creating a graph the Y axis goes which way? Vertical up the side of the graph
How would you begin a formula to calculate the MINIMUM value? =min
How would you begin a formula to calculate the MAXIMUM value? =max
How would you begin a formula to calculate the AVERAGE value? =average
When you want to show data proportionally, what type of chart would you use? Pie chart
What is a BAR CHART best at showing? The population of different things.
What is a RADAR CHART best at showing? More than one thing
What is a SCATTER GRAPH best at showing? Places on a map
What is a LINE GRAPH best at showing? Earnings over a period of time.
What do FORMULAS always start with? = (and equal symbol)
What do all FUNCTIONS start with? = (and equal symbol)
What is an INTEGER? A whole number
What is an individual box on a spreadsheet called? Cell
What is a HORIZONTAL line across the spreadsheet called (uses numbers as it's reference) Row
What is a VERTICAL line down the spreadsheet called (uses letters as it's reference) Column
What word is used to describe the 'title or description' on a spreadsheet? Label
Anything on a spreadsheet that uses number or currency on a spreadsheet is called a ... Value
A calculation set up in the spreadsheet is called a . . . Formula
When you are on the spreadsheet at any given time your cursor is on a what? active cell
When we expect the data to be added, subtracted or calculated we use a . . . formula
What do we use to display prices, costs or financial data? Values
What do we use to display characters other than numbers? Label
List 4 most frequently used graphs or charts Column charts Bar charts Pie charts Line graphs Scatter graphs Radar graphs
Name 3 things a well presented graph or chart might include A main title Axis title Axis scale labels Data or series labels A legend, where appropriate
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