Cutting and shaping wood


GCSE KS4 Resistant Materials Karteikarten am Cutting and shaping wood, erstellt von Mike Stokes am 09/06/2018.
Mike Stokes
Karteikarten von Mike Stokes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mike Stokes
Erstellt von Mike Stokes vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Tenon saw (dovetail saw for fine work) Cutting straight lines
Coping saw (fret saw for fine work) Cutting curved lines
Jack plane or smoothing plane Trimming cut edges to a straight line
Spokeshave Trimming cut edges to a curved line
Rasp Trimming cut edges to a curved line
Wood chisel Cutting grooves and slots. Tenon saw to cut sides, then wood chisel to remove wood.
Scroll saw with suitable blade. Cutting curved lines
Pillar Drill or bench drill with suitable drill bits Making holes
Wood turning lathe Creating round shapes of different diameters
Hand router Cutting grooves and slots
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) milling machine / router Cutting grooves and slots
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