

Karteikarten am Recrystallisation, erstellt von josephw weetch am 09/06/2018.
josephw weetch
Karteikarten von josephw weetch, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
josephw weetch
Erstellt von josephw weetch vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Purpose of recrystallisation Purify impure solids
Step 1. Cool and filter product under reduced pressure using Buchner apparatus as shown
Step 2. Prepare solvent
If solvent is flammable Heat over water bath
If solvent is water Warm by placing the conical flask on a tripod and a gauze over a Bunsen
Step 3. Dissolve impure solid in minimum hot solvent
Step 3. Slowly add the solvent to the impure sample until it dissolves in the solvent.
How much solvent should you add? The minimum volume required to dissolve the solid.
Step 4. Once solid has dissolved, allow solution to COOL. Crystals of the desired product should form in the conical flask.
Step 5. When no more crystals form, filter the crystals under reduced pressure and wash in COLD solvent
Step 6. Dry under reduced pressure, and determine purity via mpt/TLC
Step 7. C
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