surgical drains


Karteikarten am surgical drains, erstellt von Elizabeth Then am 12/06/2018.
Elizabeth Then
Karteikarten von Elizabeth Then, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Erstellt von Elizabeth Then vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
why insertion of surgical drains? drain surgical site fluid, hence decrease risk of dead space and abscess formation
definition of a surgical drain surgical incisions to remove pus, blood, other fluid, preventing accumulation in the body
purpose of drain faster wound healing, prevent infection, sometimes necessary to drain body fluid which may accumulate in itself
indications for a surgical drian decompress or drain fluid prevent accumulation of fluid and dead space, characterise fluid, early identification
example of indications flap surgery, breast surgery, chest surgery, nasogastric tubes
Types of drains jackson -pratt: soft pliable, multiple perforations with bulb that creates low negative pressure vacuum, decrease bowel perforation redivac- high negative pressure drain blake drain -round silicone tube, channels that carry fluid to negative pressure collection device pigtail - small lumen curled into shape, used for draining single cavity, easily blocked, regular flushing to maintain patency penrose- flat ribbon like drain, gauze applied to eternal end to absorb drainage, bacteria can colonise
management of surgical drains monitor patient for signs of sepsis, redness, febrile, ooze, drain patency, insertion site, ensure suction maintained drainage documented at minimum 4 hours
trouble shooting drains reinstating suction, moving patient, leakage, dislodgement
reinstating suction for reapplying use aseptic technique attach yankauer clamp tubing then unclamp
moving a patient with a drain tube assess all attachments and drains prior to mobilsing appropriate patient mobilisation reassess drains post mobilisation
leakage notify MO reinforce or retaping place coloplast drainage bag over tubing review wound care refer to stomal therapy
dislodgement secure, sterile dressing applied, treating team notified, x-ray
removal as soon as practical clear documentation and discussed, using aseptic technique, pull in one motion, document removal
post removal monitor for signs of infection, obtain swabs, monitor for leakage, replace dressings, dressing should be removed in 3-5 days
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