Piaget Basics and Cognitive Development


Flashcards with basics of Piaget's stages on them.
Annie Ostapenko-Denton
Karteikarten von Annie Ostapenko-Denton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Annie Ostapenko-Denton
Erstellt von Annie Ostapenko-Denton vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Piaget Piaget published his first paper at age 10 & achieved his PhD at 21. At first, he studied mollusks and was interested in biological science. He kept a focus on biology throughout his career
CONSTRUCTIVISM CONSTRUCTIVISM Learning is an active process of construction rather than a passive assimilation of information or rote memorization
Disequilibrium The state of not understanding. We want to understand - and so, we learn. When the world fits into our understand = equilibrium.
Genetic Epistemology Genetic: Biological drive to learn Epistemology: philosophy of knowing & knowledge Genetic Epistemology: Our biological drive to know and to learn!
Schema Start with reflexes - allow us to explore our surroundings and discover the world
Assimilation A process by which we match external reality to an existing schema. (adding something TO a schema)
Accommodation When our external reality doesn't fit our understanding - we have to make a new schema. This "reorganization" is accommodation
Adaptation Both assimilation and accommodation are adaptation - changing what we know to fit the world. We could also call it learning!
Sensori-Motor Stage 0 - 18 months Basic reflexes Senses & motor skills. Key Issue: Object Permanence
Object Permanence The understanding that an object (thing or person) exists even when you can't see them!
Pre-operational Stage 18 months - 7 years Language acquisition Manipulation of meaning Pre-logical Key Issue: Egocentricsm
Egocentrism The inability to perceive the world from any perspective other than your own
Concrete Operational Stage 7 - 12 years Develops logical thought Key Issue: Perceptual Understanding
Formal Operational Stage 12 years + Can work consistently and logically Can problem solve and understand abstraction Reflective Key Issue: Higher Order Thinking
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