Early Colonial America


8th Social Studies Karteikarten am Early Colonial America, erstellt von Ian Zerkel am 13/10/2014.
Ian Zerkel
Karteikarten von Ian Zerkel, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ian Zerkel
Erstellt von Ian Zerkel vor fast 10 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Why were the Powhatan significant to the early English colonists? They brought food and taught them how to grow corn.
Why was the Stamp Act of 1765 particularly upsetting to the colonists? They had to pay taxes to the British government for paper items. This made them mad because it was the first tax on the people directly and not on the imported goods.
What was the result of the French and Indian War? The British started moving west so that they could conquer more land
Why was the Toleration Act of 1649 significant to America’s development? It showed that the American government wanted to offer more religious freedom and protect the rights of minority groups.
How did women contribute to colonies’ economies? Women did all the work to keep the household running. They made a lot of what the family used in the house.
What was the point of view of the New England colonies when it came to education? Education was important because all the parents wanted their children to be able to read the Bible.
What was Anne Hutchinson’s belief that angered Puritan church leaders? She believed that people's relationships with G-d did not need guidance from ministers.
What was The English Bill of Rights? What did it reduce? It was an act of the Parliament of England. It reduced the powers of the English Monarch (Kings and Queens)
What was the Great Awakening? Evangelical religious movement which swept America and resulted in the growth of the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist Churches
What did spiritual leaders such as John Locke argue? He proposed that reason and logic could improve society and that people have natural rights such as equality and liberty.
Why did Virginia colonists use slave labor? Colonists needed a labor force, indentured servants ran away and the Native Americans wouldn't do the work.
Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania? How did this colony treat immigrants and Native Americans? William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania. They treated the immigrants and Native Americans with respect.
What were some problems the early colony of Jamestown encountered? Lack of preparation, lack of skills, lack of food, disease
Explain the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment People began to value logic and claimed that the universe was tangible. It affected politics because people began to demand more political equality.
What was the Stamp Act of 1765? How did Britain enforce it? They had to pay taxes to the British government for paper items. A tax collector would go to the colonists' houses to collect money.
What was the Townshend Acts? What items were taxed? Placed duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea.
Explain the Boston Tea Party When the colonists were fed up with Britain. The colonists decided to make it known that they were mad by dumping tea off a ship. Colonists dressed up as Native Americans to try and fool the British.
What did the Intolerable Acts do? It was the American Patriots' name for a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in throwing a large tea shipment into the Boston Harbor.
Who was John Winthrop? John Winthrop lead a fleet of ships carrying Puritan Colonists from England to Massachusetts seeking religious freedom.
What was the Toleration Act of 1649? The Toleration of 1649 was a Maryland Law that made restricting the religious rights of Christians a crime. The first law guaranteeing religious freedom in America.
Who was John Smith? Why was he important? John Smith was a British Soldier who was a founder of the American colony of Jamestown in the early 1600's. He was important because he forced the settlers to work harder and to build better housing by rewarding the harder workers with food. He also made a deal with the Powhatan Indians to supply food and teach the colonists how to grow corn.
What was the Mayflower Compact? Why was it important? Document written by the Pilgrims establishing themselves as a political society and setting guidelines for self government. It was important because it was one the first attempts at self government in the English colonies.
Which document reduced the power of the English monarchs? The English Bill of Rights of 1689.
Who was John Edwards? John Edwards was leader in the Great Awakening. He gave dramatic sermons telling sinners to seek forgiveness for their sins or face punishment in hell forever.
Who was Lord Baltimore? Lord Baltimore was the Governor of the Province of Maryland. He promoted religious tolerance in the colony.
Explain the Boston Massacre? What was the outcome of the trial? The Boston Massacre was a fight that occurred on March 5, 1770 between a patriot mob who were throwing snowballs, stones and sticks with a squad of British Soldiers. Several colonists were killed when the soldiers were dared to fire their weapons. This led to a campaign to create anger in the community. The outcome of the trial was that the troops had acted in self defense, but two of the soldiers were convicted of killing people in the crowd by accident. They were branded on the hand and released.
Who was Sam Adams? Samuel Adams was born in Boston, son of a merchant and brewer. He was an excellent politician, an unsuccessful brewer, and a poor businessman.
Who was John Adams? He was the second president of the United States and was the Vice President before that.
Who was John Hancock? He was a merchant, statesman, and a prominent patriot during the American Revolution.
Who was Patrick Henry? Patrick Henry was an american attorney, planter, and politician who became very well known during the American Revolution
Identify the other 3 riders involved in Paul Revere's ride William Dawes, Samuel Prescott and Robert Neuman
What are the 13 steps to start a revolution? 1. Kick out the French 2. Collect Taxes 3. Hang the taxman 4. Try, try again 5. Refuse to pay 6. Send in warships 7. Fire into a crowd 8. Keep the tea tax 9. Throw a tea party 10. Pay the fiddler 11. Stand firm 12. Give speeches 13. Let blows decide
Who was General Cage? He was a military commander in the early days of the american revolution.
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