Other Separation Techniques Outcomes


For Pearson 7 Science Textbook
Sean Sacriz
Karteikarten von Sean Sacriz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sean Sacriz
Erstellt von Sean Sacriz vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How can centrifugation separate solids? When solid/liquid suspension put in centrifuge, solid settles out in liquid.
What is electrostatic separation? Particles of different polarity are separated in a solid.
How can sieving separate solids? Two soilds are put through sieve, where one fits through the holes but the other doesn't.
How can magnetism separate solids? Magnet attracts magnetic solid away from other solids.
Examples of chromatography? Water dissolves dye in ink, and carries different colours up strip of paper. To find what is in oil and gas. To find drugs in uring.
What is adsorption? When a substance(adsorbate) adsorbs onto a solid surface(adsorbent).
Examples of adsorption? When water molecules adsorb to windows, making them misty. When paint adsorbs to a painting surface,
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