Free Will vs Determinism


A level Psychology (Issues and Debates) Karteikarten am Free Will vs Determinism, erstellt von Chanelle Titchener am 01/10/2018.
Chanelle Titchener
Karteikarten von Chanelle Titchener, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Chanelle Titchener
Erstellt von Chanelle Titchener vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Free Will Humanistic Approach Self-determination = necessary part of human behaviour Self-responsibility = personal growth
Free Will Continued Moral Responsibility An individual takes responsibility for their actions Mentally ill adults and children do not have this responsibility
Free Will - Evaluation - + Emphasis on the individual + Subjective - in control of our own actions + Behaviour is determined by experiences - Not testable - a non-physical phenomenon - Unscientific - No clear definition of free will
Determinism Behaviour is a product of external/internal forces Predictable behaviour Behaviour is not controlled by the individual
Determinism Continued Hard = Absolutely no free will whatsoever Soft = Some element of free will Biological = that are determined by genes Environmental = determined by factors outside the body Psychic = Free will is an illusion, determined by our unconscious
Determinism - Evaluation - + Scientific + Isolates the variables so they are testable + Society is more willing to accept scientific proof - Reductionist - Implies that behaviour can be predicted - Does not account for individual differences
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