Holism vs Reductionism


A level Psychology (Issues and Debates) Karteikarten am Holism vs Reductionism, erstellt von Chanelle Titchener am 01/10/2018.
Chanelle Titchener
Karteikarten von Chanelle Titchener, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Chanelle Titchener
Erstellt von Chanelle Titchener vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Holism Emphasises the whole person Interactionist approach Gestalt Psychology
Gestalt Psychology 1915 - 1945 Whole configuration - German Kohler - 1925 - demonstrated insight into learning in chimpanzees
Interactionist Approach Explains human behaviour in terms of interactions between different levels of explanations Takes biological, environmental, and social factors etc into account to build a better understanding
Holism - Evaluation - + Provides a complete picture + Does not ignore the complexity of human behaviour + The person is seen as an entity to be considered in its own right - Does not lend itself to scientific enquiry and empirical testing - Neglects importance of biological testing - More hypothetical
Reductionism Breaks down complex issues into simpler parts Biological reductionism Hierarchy of Sciences
Biological reductionism Attempts to explain all behaviour in terms of biology Assumes continuity of behaviour between animals and humans
Hierarchy of Sciences Less precise, more general social sciences at the top, EG: Sociology and Psychology More narrowly focused and precise sciences at the bottom, EG: Biology, Chemistry and physics Watson "There is only one science: Physics. The rest are just social work
Reductionism - Evaluation - + Analytical and scientific + Scientific investigation allows for empirical investigation + Demonstrates how good biology is for understanding and explaining behaviour - Over-simplifies behaviour - Infinite regress - No attempts to combine theories
LINKS SCHIZOPHRENIA Neurotransmitters and genes = Reductionist Social and cultural explanations = Holistic HUMANISTIC A person can only be viewed and understood as a whole = Holistic
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