Expreimentation II - Attention


Karteikarten am Expreimentation II - Attention, erstellt von August Edström am 29/10/2018.
August Edström
Karteikarten von August Edström, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
August Edström
Erstellt von August Edström vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Attention affect how visual neurons collect visual information over space. In other words, it can affect the receptive field of a neuron. Describe (or draw, including a legend) how attention and how a lack of attention affect receptive field size.
To measure the effects of attention on a particular task, we need to manipulate attention. Give an example of a task that manipulate spatial attention and note how attention is manipulated. By looking at a fixation point which has the focus of the attantion and then have other objects located at other places which may or may not have stimulus for neurons
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