Improvement of Relations and the Falls


Cambridge IGCSE History (Cold War) Karteikarten am Improvement of Relations and the Falls, erstellt von Konrad O'Neill am 02/08/2013.
Konrad O'Neill
Karteikarten von Konrad O'Neill, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Konrad O'Neill
Erstellt von Konrad O'Neill vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
SALT 1 5/1972 A decision to talk about rules of Nuclear Missiles as there were no current limitations of such weapons
HELSINKI AGREEMENT 1/8/1975 Recognition of Europe's Frontier, USSR to accept that W.Germany exists Closer economic, scientific+cultural links-lead to closer political agreement Each signatory agreed to respect Human rights and basic freedoms
SALT 2 1979 Carter found out that USSR was not upholding Helsinki agreement Ordered inc in defense budget Us senate didn't believe that limits put forward could be verified New concern over 200 Soviet troops in Cuba NATO placed missiles in Europe USSR invade Afghanistan
INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN 25/12/79 -Deputy Prime Minister, Taraki, overthrows previous PM -50,000 Soviet Troops were sent to protect the PDPA from the Mujahideen -Brezhnev said that they were complying with the 1978 Treaty of Friendship
REAGAN's SPEECHES 81+83 -Said that USSR was using detente to achieve their own goals -Tells US citizens how terrible the USSR is and how they should do everything they can to stop them
START 1983 -Despite Reagan's speeches he still was interested in reducing arms -USA to give up secret assistance with a group called Solidarnosc -Relagrew worse as Soviet Delegations walk out of a START conference
SDI 1983 -US introduces SDI (Star Wars) -SDI was a program to build a system which could remove any nuclear threat with a laser from space
GORBACHEV 1985 -He began to modernise the Communist Party -He abandoned the Brezhnev Doctrine as Soviet economy being drained by Cold War -Initiated sweeping reforms 'perestroika' (restructuring) and 'glasnost' openess -Ended arms race -Stopped intereference with Satellite States
GENEVA 11/1985 -Reagan wouldn't give up commitment with SDI,at end both leaders said that the world would be a 'safer' place +speed up arms talks +work towards the abolishment of Chemical Weapons +Be more reactive on issues with Human Rights
REYKJAVIK 1986 -Meeting collapsed after both leaders agreed on reductions of Nuclear Arsenals but became dead locked again on SDI -Reagan wanted to abolish all nuclear weapons
INF 1987 -Treaty elimnated Nuclear and Conventional ground-launched ballistic missiles and cruise missiles with a 500-5500km range -By the Treaty's deadline 1/6/1991 a total of 2692 of such weapons were destroyed -Both nations were allowed to inspect each others military installations
CFE Gorby agreed to -Withdrawal from Afghan -Troop reduction in Europe -Reduction of military vehicles
START TALKS -Finally signed Treaty for Reductions and Limitations of Strategic Offensive Arms (START) on 3/7/1991 Reduce to +1600 startegic nuclear delivery vehicles (SNDV's) and 6000 warheads +A limit of 4900 on ballistic missiles
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