

Paramedics Karteikarten am Basics, erstellt von Amelia Tuffley am 10/11/2018.
Amelia Tuffley
Karteikarten von Amelia Tuffley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amelia Tuffley
Erstellt von Amelia Tuffley vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Pacemaker action potential phases 4 0 3
Pacemaker action potential phase 4 Slow leak of Na into cell Increases membrane potential from -60mV to -40mV
Pacemaker action potential phase 0 Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open Mass influx of Ca2+ Depolarisation to 10mV
Pacemaker action potential phase 3 Voltage-gated K+ channels open K+ leaves cell Repolarisation to -60mV
Cardiac myocyte action potential phases 4 0 1 2 3
Cardiac myocyte action potential Phase 4 K+ constantly leaving cell to keep membrane potential at -90mV Na2+ and Ca2+ from neighbouring cell flow into cell via gap junctions, bring membrane potential to -70mV
Cardiac myocyte action potential Phase 0 Voltage-gated Na2+ channels open Membrane potential shoots to 20mV
Cardiac myocyte action potential Phase 1 Voltage-gates Na2+ channels close Voltage-gated K+ channels open Repolarises to 5mV
Cardiac myocyte action potential Phase 2 Ca2+ voltage-gates channels open while K+ is leaving the cell Membrane potential remains the same
Cardiac myocyte action potential Phase 3 Ca2+ channels suddenly close K continues to exit cell Repolarises to -90mV
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