Erstellt von Cornelia C
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Describe the effects of operant conditioning on behaviour | Operant conditioning occurs when a response has consequential rewards or punishments associated with it. Behaviour + consequence = Stimulus-Response pattern Types of consequence: 1) Positive Reinforcement: good thing added = increases behaviour 2) Negative Reinforcement: bad thing taken away = increases behaviour 3) Positive Punishment: bad thing added = decreases behaviour 4) Negative Punishment: good thing taken away = decreases behaviour |
Define observational learning and imitation | Observational learning: learning by observing others’ behaviour. —> Does not require replication. Imitation: learning by copying others’ behaviour. —> Requires replication. |
Describe Bandura's theory of social learning | Theory of social learning: emphasis on the dual roles of both observational learning and operant conditioning. You observe behaviour, remember it, reproduce it, then repeat it if rewarded/not punished. Four stages: 1) Attention: the individual notices a behaviour to model. 2) Retention: a memory of the behaviour is stored. 3) Motor reproduction: a copy of the behaviour is produced. 4) Motivation: reinforcing or punishing consequences follow. |
Describe the Bobo doll experiment |
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