Key Players in the Golden Age of Greece/Athens


9th grade Global Karteikarten am Key Players in the Golden Age of Greece/Athens, erstellt von Rebecca Sikarev am 11/12/2018.
Rebecca Sikarev
Karteikarten von Rebecca Sikarev, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Sikarev
Erstellt von Rebecca Sikarev vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Who was Socrates and what was he known for? Socrates was one of the three most famous Greek philosophers. -Socrates was interested in the process that enabled people to think for themselves. -He believed in the absolute truth rather than the relative truth. -Created the Socratic Method -Was a sculptor by trade -He argued his own defense when put on trial for allegedly corrupting the youth of Athens.
What is the Socratic Method? The Socratic Method was based on asking students questions and then opposing their answers with clear and logical arguments. This forced students to defend their statements and clarify their thinking.
Who was Plato and what was he known for? Plato was a prominent Greek philosopher and one of Socrates' students. - He opened a school after Socrates' death. -He wrote The Republic which presented a plan for an ideal society. This society gave more importance to the state rather than an individual. His plan only allowed the most powerful and intelligent to participate in the government.
Who was Aristotle and what was he known for? Aristotle was a philosopher who studied under Plato and tutored Alexander the Great. -He wrote and edited more than 200 books on various topics. -In his book Politics, he wrote that both democracies and obligarchies were workable. -He also wrote that power should rest on the middle class because they know to how to both command and obey.
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