Dental Radiography Landmarks


Dental Hygiene Karteikarten am Dental Radiography Landmarks, erstellt von Sarah Latronico am 12/12/2018.
Sarah Latronico
Karteikarten von Sarah Latronico, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sarah Latronico
Erstellt von Sarah Latronico vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Intermaxillary suture
Nasal septum (radiopaque) Nasal cavity (radiolucent)
Inferior nasal conchae
Lateral fossa
Inverted 'Y' Posterior maxillary sinus and anterior line of nasal cavity floor
Maxillary tuberosity
Coronoid of mandible
Lingual foramen
Genial tubercles
Mental ridge
Mental fossa
Mental foramen
External oblique ridge
Internal oblique ridge
Mylohyoid process
Mandibular canal
Air space: tongue not at roof of mouth
Ghost image of earrings
Chin tipped up
Exaggerated smile: chin tipped down
Chin tipped up
Biting too far back on the bite block
Biting too far forward on bite block
Lead apron artifact
Spine shadow: client not standing straight
Patient's head rotated
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