Domain 1 (Visual Flashcards)


Unit 1 Semester B US History
Aiden-rose Scalise
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Aiden-rose Scalise
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The Virginia Company The Virginia Company is a joint stock company that King James I gave permission to create new settlements in the colony of Virginia. This is important because this joint stock company help create more settlements like Jamestown that could help England grow economically.
Jamestown. Jamestown: Jamestown was the most profitable colony, though it didn't start that way. When the colonist first arrived they found an area that was surrounded by swamp and which had disease caring bugs that caused the colonist to become weak. This made it hard for them to farm. The colonist were given the freedom to own property land. Tobacco had become a demand product and since Jamestown had cultivated it the economy grew.
Powhatan relations Powhatan Relations: The Indians were the ones that lived on the land before the colonist of Jamestown. When the colonist of Jamestown began the long process of farming tobacco the indians were forced to work on the farms.
The House of Burgesses The House of Burgesses: The first colonial body of representation, created in 1619 in Jamestown. They created the law that the colonist would live by. This gave the colonist a ruling system when they were failing.
Bacons rebellion Bacon's Rebellion: Bacon and his men wanted to take down all the colonial indian's and they began a rebellion. They marched to jamestown and took over. They burned the town down. William berkely the governor who put heavy taxes on the poor farmer and gave some of the money to the wealthly, was sent back to England. They also proved that poor farmers wouldn't be easliy silenced.
King Philips War King Philips War: This war was named after the Indian leader, Metacom. The war was comprised of many different groups of Indian who were all treated terribly by the colonist. They spent time to get guns from traders and plan there attacks. After they attacked they began to starve because the traders didn't ahve crops to give or help. Metacom died in battle and the indians were given even less land then before.
Puritans Puritans: Many puritans wanted to clean the anglican church. They were in the belief that the anglican church had to many similarites or ceremonies that the catholic church used. When they got to the colonies they spilt and they there now seperatist. This form of puritans would start there own churchs.
Piligrims Pilgrims: Another name for puritans, they came over on the Mayflower. The pilgrims made an agreement called the mayflower compact stating that they would form a government in the colonies and they would follow the laws that were given.
Half- way Covenant Half- Way Covenant: This was a formal piece of paper that said if you had a memebership to the church. Many puritan church's required evidence of a conversion to this religion.
Salem Witch Trials Salem Witch Trials: In Salem, Massachusetts there were 19 recorded witch trials. When a child got sick the town would suspect that there was an evil magic that was killing the kids. They believed it to be a witch, so they would be put to trial. Though if a wealthly family memeber like a judges wife was accused they wouldn't be charged.
Development of Rhode Island Development of Rhode Island: Anne Hucthsions and her freind's settles there create portsmouth. This is one of the islands that king james tried to take over but was unable.
Dutch Settlement of New Amsterdam Dutch Settlement of New Amsterdam: This settlement was mad in the area that we now know as Manhattan. In 1626 they bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians that were living there. In 1664 the governor at the time gave over New Amsterdam and it became New York City.
Loss of Massachusetts Charter Loss of the Massachusetts Charter: The Massachusetts Charter is what the King and Queen signed say what type of government would be in the new colony. When the charter was lost it was because of a many violations of the terms of charter. Puritans took this loss to mean that there religion was the problem.
Settlement of Pennsylvania Settlement of Pennsylvania: The settlement of Pennsylvania, began as payment of a debt to the Penn's. They were given land by Delware river, and the fertile land helped them grow. There many religions present but the biggest one was the Quaker religion.
French Settlement in Quebec French Settlement in Quebec: The Settlement of Quebec became known as the first European settlement to last. Instead of forcing the indians to work for them the french traded with them and made them feel helpful! So when the french and Indian war broke out the french and indians have each others back.
Mercantilism Mercantilism: Many nations would growth there wealth by trading with the colonies and creating industries to make there economy grow. Since the colonies had land and could grow crops the economy of England became to boom.
Trans-Atlantic Trade Trans-Atlantic Trade: The Trans-Atlantic Trade was when England would take slaves from Africa and take them to the colonies and then take the crops from the colonies back to England. This was also known as the triagngular trade.
Middle passage Middle Passage: This specifically is when the African Americans were taken from Africa to the colonies. Many Africans lost there famillies and they were branded and shoved on to boats that didn't have enough space. This lead to them getting diseases and some dying before they could get to the colonies.
The Great Awakening The Great Awakening: When a preacher would travel and give teaching to hundreds of people. One of the biggest speakers is Jonathan Edwards, They would preach against enlightenment.
The french and Indian War The French and Indian war: Thought the names say the French and Indian war it was a war between both the French and Indian against Britain. This war lasted seven years and caused the debt that England made the colonies pay for.
1763 Treaty of Paris 1763 Treaty of Paris: This treaty gave Britain land that France had. This also meant that the french were force out of North America and pushed back, the British took over Canada.
Proclamations of 1763 Proclamation of 1763: this document made the colonist stay on the east of the Applachian mountains. This gave the Indians there land and protection.
Stamp act Stamp Act: This act was place that colonist needed to pay taxes on paper goods, this lead to taxation without representation. Taxation without Representation is when the parliment would make law without thinking of the affects on the colonist and they didn't have any say on that subject. Which was on of the main causes of the American Revolution.
Intolerable Acts: Intolerable acts: Britian shut down trade and put more restrictions on the colonist. Since britain treated them with salutry neglect they were angered that britian thought they could change laws.
Thomas Paine's Common Sense Thomas Paine's Common Sense: This was written to inspire the colonist in to taking back there freedom. This was one of the biggest inspiration in the beginning of the American Revolution.
Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence: This document was created to let Britain know that the colonies would no longer take any abuse from them. In the declaration they label every promise or law that Britain broke. They also included ideas of Thomas Paine, the main idea that they used was that the king was tyrant.
John Locke John Locke: His philosophies inspired many of the writers of the Declaration. His ideas, like some other philosophers, were trying to find a way to apply a humans natural rights to our government laws.
French Assistance during the American Revolution French Assistance during the American Revolution: The sent ships in secret to help the patriots win the war until they felt that the patriots could actually win the war. This led to an open alliance that helped to weaken British forces.
Marquis De Lafayette Marquis De Lafayette: A Frenchman who offered the patriots his military training. He commanded troops in lots of battles, his most important the siege of Yorktown.
George Washingtion George Washington: The first president of the united states, who also helped led the armies during the American Revolution. He also led an army, small but powerful, during the seven years war.
Crossing The Delaware Ricer Crossing the Delaware River: The crossing of the river was a surprise attack. this plan was to catch the others off their gaurd and beating the troops stationed in Johann Rall
Valley Forge Valley Forge: After being trained harshly by a German Solider the troops under George Washingtons watch had greatly improved there skill. This Lead to they defating the British soldiers that passed through.
Battle Of Yorktown Battle of Yorktown: Washington had set up a plan to cut off the British evacuation with the help of the French. He planned carefully and he was able to close off Chesapeake Bay and trap the soldiers without a way to communicate. They ended us surrendering.
Treaty of Paris (1783) Treaty of Paris (1783): This treaty was negotiated by Benjamin Franklin, he and a couple other delegates talked through a treaty that would finally see American as an independent country. This also lead to them getting more land to build up there own economy and crops for trade.
Article of Confederation (weaknesses) Articles of Confederation (weaknesses): The main weakness was that the federal government had to much control and they congress couldn't rein them in. The congress also could not control the trade or taxes, it also took a long time to get any law passed because the vote had to unanimous.
Daniel Shay's Rebellion Daniel Shay's Rebellion: The farmers began to rebel against the courts and there rulings to against them. Many farmers were losing land or going to prison leaving there families with no way to survive.
Federalist Federalist: These were people who wanted the constitution. This list included George Washington himself, because they were aware of the weakness and they wanted to write a constitution that would take care of the problems that the new independent country would face.
Anti-Federalist Anti- Federalist: These people believed that the constitutions would give to much power to the central government. they were upset with how the bill of rights did not properly protect them.
Check and Balances Checks and Balances: This system was put in place to make sure that one of the branches wouldn't have to much power compared to the others. This means that even though a congress can make a law the president can go behind and veto them.
Alexander Hamilton He was in charge of getting America out of debt and he faced the antifederalist with how they didn't want to lose what power and freedom.
Separations of Powers Separation of Powers means that each branch of government had a certain job. This helps us keep our order and organization.
James Madison Known as the father of the Constitution he worked, his notes became famous. He wanted a large republican government. His importance is that he introduced the idea of three branches of government.
The Great Compromise No matter the size of a state they would have at least two representatives. This made the voting more even than usual .
Limited Government In a limited government everyone is even and the rule of a law does not make any one higher. This is important so people who are higher in the government don't feel like they can do what ever they want.
Bill of Rights These first ten amendments help us keep our country in order without having to destory the use of checks and balances.
John Adams: John adams was a Lawyer who wanted to give the people a voice. He inspired the people to take up arms against the British. This was important because he would later become president and this would help his political standing.
Whisky rebellion: This rebellion began as a way to fight the tax that was put on whiskey. As it grew Hamilton believed that stopping this would elevate his status.
Citation : “Jamestown, Virginia.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Jan. 2019,,_Virginia. Lansankay, Emma J., et al. Prentice Hall United States History. “George Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Jan. 2019,'s_crossing_of_the_Delaware_River.,, “Gilbert Du Motier, Marquis De Lafayette.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Jan. 2019,,_Marquis_de_Lafayette. "History of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.” History of Massachusetts, 13 Aug. 2018, “Massachusetts Charter.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 July 2018, “House of Burgesses.” George Washington's Mount Vernon, “Powhatan.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Jan. 2019, “Virginia Company.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Jan. 2019,
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