Experimental Design


SACE Biology Karteikarten am Experimental Design, erstellt von R P am 16/11/2014.
Karteikarten von R P, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von R P vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Hypothesis "testable" statement that connects I.V. and D.V.
Independent Variable deliberately changed; plotted on x-axis
Dependent Variable measured variable; plotted on y-axis
Random Errors caused by any factor that randomly effects the measurements of the I.V. ie. human errors
Identification of Random Errors: amount of scatter can reflect amount of random errors. HIGH scatter = HIGH R.E. LOW scatter = LOW R.E.
REDUCTION of Random Errors: increase in sample size allows averages to be calculated so the EFFECT of random errors can be MINIMISED.
ELIMINATION of Random Errors: measurements CANNOT be perfect so R.E. can't be eliminated
Precision: (only for random errors) (only for random errors) how well random errors are minimised. HIGH scatter {HIGH R.E}. = LOW PRECISION LOW scatter {LOW R.E.} = HIGH PRECISION
Systematic Errors present when measured values differ CONSISTENTLY from the TRUE VALUE ie. faulty equipment, incorrect calibrations and experimental design
Identification of Random Errors: g
REDUCTION of Random Errors: h
Accuracy (only for systematic errors) how close the results are to the TRUE VALUE
Experimental results can only be: SUPPORTED or REFUTED {not proved}
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