Woody, Alternate, Simple (Families A-E)


Baccalaureate Native Plants for Wildlife (Murray State) Karteikarten am Woody, Alternate, Simple (Families A-E), erstellt von Wes Smalley am 04/02/2019.
Wes Smalley
Karteikarten von Wes Smalley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Wes Smalley
Erstellt von Wes Smalley vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Annonaceae Custard apple family Ancestral traits from Magnolia Deciduous or evergreen trees, shrubs, etc Large fleshy fruits w/ seeds (Asimina)
Aquifoliaceae Holly family Trees, shrubs w/ caffeine leaves s/t w/spines flowers dioecious, no nectaries, no style (Ilex)
Betulaceae Birch family Trees & shrubs Thin bark w/o furrows 2x serrate wind pollinated (Alnus, Betula, Corylus)
Ericaceae Heath family Small trees, shrubs, perennials on acidic soil Leathery, evergreen leaves Bell-urn shaped corolla, inverted anther Capsules/berries (Gaultheria, Rhododendron, Vaccinium)
Asimina. Pawpaw Small trees/shrubs Deciduous leaves, unpleasant odor Solitary, bisexual, insect pollinated Cyllindrical, fleshy seeded fruit tastes delicious
Ilex. Holly Trees/Shrubs Deciduous or Evergreen, sometimes w/spines Greenish white unisex flower, no style Multi-seeded drupe
Alnus. Alder Large shrubs/small trees, round crown Bark w/ horizontal lenticels Deciduous, 1-2x serrate Monecious catkins Leathery/woody, conelike
Betula. Birch Shrubs/Trees w/droopy branches Scaly, peeling bark w/ horizontal lenticels Deciduous, 2x serrate Monecious catkins 2-winged samara fruits
Corylus. Hazelnut Large, multi-stemmed shrub deciduous, 2x serrate pollen flowers in catkins, females in leaf axils Fruits a hard-shelled nut
Gaultheria. Wintergreen & Teaberry Shrubs, erect & procumbent Evergreen, aromatic leaves Waxy, bell-urn shaped flowers Globose capsules in fleshy calyx
Rhododendron. Azaleas and Rhododendrons Trees/Shrubs Evergreen/leathery (Rhododendrons), Thin/Papery (Azaleas) Large, bisexual insect pollinated flowers Upright capsule w/calyx
Vaccinium. Blueberry and others Trees/Shrubs/Vines, erect, spreading, or creeping Thin, leathery leaves Bisexual, urn shaped flowers Red or blackish blue berries
What's a Perianth? Petals and sepals, both the Calyx and corolla
What is a Style (regarding carpels) A neck connecting the stigma and ovary
Botanically, what is a spine? A pointed, modified leaf
How do air pockets in a Samara relate to seed dispersal of Alnus (Alder)? Air pockets make the seeds bouyant, allowing water to carry them away
What nutrients are found in male catkins? Protein and lipids
What is the corolla? Whorls of petals
What is a calyx? Whorl of sepals
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