Biology 2.1.6 Examples of tissue


A level Biology (2.1.6 Cell division and diversity ) Karteikarten am Biology 2.1.6 Examples of tissue, erstellt von Sam Gunnell am 08/02/2019.
Sam Gunnell
Karteikarten von Sam Gunnell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sam Gunnell
Erstellt von Sam Gunnell vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Define tissue A collection of specialised cells that work together to perform a specific function
Define an organ Collection of tissues working together to perform a particular fuction
Define organ systems Organs that work together to perform life functions eg the digestive system
What do squamous epithelia cells do? Where are they found? They provide a low friction lining and a short diffusion pathway Lining of blood vessels and alveoli
What do ciliated epithelia cells do? Where are they found? They have hair like structures called cilia that sweep away mucus Found in trachea and bronchi
Is this a squamous or ciliated epithelia cell? Ciliated
Is this a squamous or ciliated epithelia cell? Squamous
What does cartilage do? Where is it found? It's connective tissue that connects tissue to bone and protects the end of joints Ends of long bones at joints
What does muscle do? They contract and relax to perform movements
What does xylem do? It transports minerals and water around the plant
What does phloem do? Transports sugar around the plant
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