Chemistry C1


Karteikarten am Chemistry C1, erstellt von unluckycat76 am 23/11/2014.
Karteikarten von unluckycat76, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von unluckycat76 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the 3 sub-atomic particles in an Atom? Protons Neutrons Electrons
What are the charges of the sub-atomic particles? Protons - Positive Neutrons - Neutral (no charge) Electrons - Negative
What is the name given to the Group 1 elements? Alkaline Metals
What is the name given to the Group 0 elements? Noble Gases
The Periodic Table places elements in order of their.... Atomic Mass
What are the elements of the symbols H, Na, Mg, C, O and He? H - Hydrogen Na - Sodium Mg - Magnesium C - Carbon O - Oxygen He - Helium
The number of Protons in an atom is the same as the number of? Electrons in the atom
How many types of Atoms are in each Elements? One
What is a compound? When different elements react chemically and bond together.
What is Ionic Bonding? When a metal and non-metal bond chemically
In Ionic Bonding, what element gains electrons to become a negative ion? Non-metal element
What is a Covalent Bond? When non-metals share an electron with another atom
Limestone is mainly made up of? Calcium Carbonate
What are the products of the reaction when Calcium Carbonate is thermally decomposed? Calcium Oxide and Water
What are the products of the reaction when Calcium Carbonate reacts with sulphuric acid? Water, Calcium Sulphate and Carbon Dioxide
When powdered Limestone is put in a kiln with powdered clay what does it produce? Cement
What are the main disadvantages of quarrying Limestone? It destroys the landscape and habitats Creating limestone products causes pollution
What are the three main methods of extracting metal from ores? Displacement Electrolysis Reduction
In the Reactivity Series, what metals must be extracted using electrolysis? Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium
In the Reactivity Series, what metals must be extracted using reduction by Carbon? Zinc Iron Tin Copper
What element is purified by electrolysis? Copper
What is the liquid used in electrolysis called? Electrolyte
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