Muscular and Skeletal Disorders


The 4 different muscular and skeletal disorders.
Ross Conway
Karteikarten von Ross Conway, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ross Conway
Erstellt von Ross Conway vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
OSTEOPOROSIS - Skeletal Disorder - Bones become more porous - Density deteriorates over time FACTORS - Sedentary lifestyle/Immobility - Lack of physical activity in youth PREVENTION - Weight bearing activities increase the calcium deposits in the bones, increasing bone density
OSTEOARTHRITIS + Skeletal disorder + Breakdown of cartilage at joints + Happens through repetitive use + Unknown cause FACTORS +Obesity and Age are common factors + Injuries: can lead to arthritis in those joints in later life PREVENTION +Muscle strengthening exercises to support joints + Aerobic exercises to help muscle/bone
GROWTH PLATE + Similar to a break but doesn't show on X-Rays as it is cartilage + Can seriously hinder growth where injury occurs FACTORS + Impact injuries are most common cause - sports like football rugby etc. HOW ARE THEY TREATED + Immobilization + Manipulation / Surgery + Strengthening
JOINT STABILITY + Occurs when the resistance offered by musculo-skeletal tissues is weak + Caused mainly by inactivity FACTORS + Inactivity leads to: -Less synovial fluid in joint -Less elastic ligament - Muscle shortening - Reduced flexibility + High impact activities can damage musculo-skeletal tissue
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