Ancient Egyptian Art


Karteikarten am Ancient Egyptian Art, erstellt von Kirsten Quong am 08/03/2019.
Kirsten Quong
Karteikarten von Kirsten Quong, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kirsten Quong
Erstellt von Kirsten Quong vor etwa 6 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Palette of Narmer c. 3125 BCE Old Kingdom
Stepped Pyramid of Djoser c. 2648 BCE Imhotep Old Kingdom
The Great Pyramids of Giza c. 2515 BCE Old Kingdom
Seated Khafre c. 2544 BCE Old Kingdom
Prince Rahotep and his Wife Nofret c. 2580 BCE Old Kingdom
Tomb of Knumhotep III: Feeding the Antelope c. 1970 BCE Middle Kingdom
The White Chapel c. 1950 BCE Middle Kingdom
Statue of Hetep c. 1926 BCE Middle Kingdom
Senwosret III c. 1841 BCE Middle Kingdom
Statuette of a Hippopotamus c. 1783 BCE Middle Kingdom
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut c. 1484 BCE New Kingdom
Seated Statue of Hatshepsut c. 1482 BCE New Kingdom
Seated Statue of Senmut with Nefrure c. 1484 BCE New Kingdom
Colossal Statue of Akhenaten c. 1353 BCE New Kingdom; Amarna Period
Akhenaten & Family c. 1350 BCE New Kingdom; Amarna Period
Bust of Nefertiti c. 1350 BCE New Kingdom; Amarna Period
Shrine of Anubis c. 1325 BCE New Kingdom
Inner Coffin of Tutankhamun c. 1325 BCE New Kingdom
Funerary Mask of Tutankhamun c. 1325 BCE New Kingdom
Alabaster Canopic Chest c. 1325 BCE New Kingdom
Throne of Tutankhamun c. 1350 BCE New Kingdom
Ankh Mirror Case c. 1350 BCE New Kingdom
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