Practice MCQ


These flash cards are used to study for the Ontario massage therapy MCQ exams.
Jerika Poole
Karteikarten von Jerika Poole, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jerika Poole
Erstellt von Jerika Poole vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what is the integumentary system? it is the system that is composed of skin, hair, oil and sweat glands, nails and sensory receptors
what does the integumentary system contribute to? it contributes to homeostasis by protecting the body and helping regulate body temps. it also allows you to sense pleasurable, painful and other stimuli in your external environment.
functions of integumentary system? 1)regulates body temp 2)stores blood 3)protects body from external environment 4)detects cutaneous sensations 5)excretes and absorbs substances 6)synthesizes vit D
another name for skin cutaneous membrane
what is the epidermis composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
what are the 4 principles types of cells in the epidermis keratinocytes, melanocytes, intraepidermal macrophages, and tactile epithelial cells
what is 90% of the epidermal cells? keratinocytes
what protein does Keratinocytes produce Keratin
what is keratin tough, fibrous protein that helps protect skin and underlying tissue from abrasions, heat, microbes and chemicals.
what makes up 8% of epidermal cells? melanocytes
what are intraepidermal macrophages(Langerhans cells) they help other cells in the immune system recognize an invading microbe and destroy it
where do intraepidermal machrophages (Langerhans cells) arise from? red bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis
what are tactile epithelial cells(merkel cells) detect touch sensation
where are tactile epithelial cells(merkel cells) located in the deepest layer of the epidermis
4 layers of epidermis in most regions(thicker) 1)stratum basal 2)stratum spinosum 3)stratum granulosum 4)thin stratum corneum
5 layers of epidermis in less regions(thin skin) 1)stratum basal 2)stratum spinosum 3)stratum granulosum 4)stratum lucidum 5)thick stratum corneum
what is the dermis 2nd deeper part of the skin
what is the dermis composed of dense irregular connective tissue containing collogen and elastic fibers
what are the abilitys of the dermis great tensile strength, ability to stretch and recoil easily
what is embedded in the dermis blood vessels, nerves, glands and hair follicles
what are free nerve endings dendrites that lack any apparent structural specialization
what can free nerve endings sense? warmth, cold, pain tickling and itching.
where is the reticular region located? Attached to the subcutaneous layer
what is the keratinization process 1)newly formed cells in the stratum basal are pushed to the surface 2)as cells move up each level ot epidermis they accumulate more and more keratin(called keratinization) 3)then go through apoptosis(cell death) by being sloughed off the skin and are replaced by underlying cells 4)this takes about 4-6 weels
what are the 3 pigments that impart a wide variety of colours to the skin hemoglobin, melanin, carotene
where does the secreting portion of a sebatious gland lie? in the dermis and usually opens into the neck of a hair follicle
what does the sebaceous gland secrete sebum
what are the two types of wound healing epidermal & deep
how does deep wound healing occur wounds that penetrate the dermis
when does epidermal wound healing occur following wounds that affect only the epidermis
who are the 2019 board of directors Krystin bokalo(Chair) Jennifer hewit(vice chair) Victoria Johnson(secretary) melanie levesque(director) daren Nixon(") Stacey shipwright(") Darren T stevens(") mary Tzianos (")
what is an open question? A question that requires more than a one word answer
what is a closed ended question? A question that the answer is yes or no
Noun suffixes -ism -tion -ist -er -ity -condition, state/theory -condition -specialist -one who -quality
adjective suffixes -ous -able -ible -possessing, having, full of -ability -ability
Med term colours -leuk/o -melan/o -erythr/o -cyan/o -chlor/o -xanth -white -black -red -blue -green -yellow
what is code of ethics? statement that expresses the primary ethical values, obligations & goals ot profession
what is the massage therapy scope of practice? the practice of massage therapy is the assessment of the soft tissue and joints ot body and the tx and prevention of physical dysfunction and pain ot soft tissues and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function, or relieve pain
where can you find the scope of practice? Massage therapy, 1991
general principles that guide the practice of massage therapy 1)respect for persons 2)responsible caring 3)integrity in relationships 4)responsibility to society
what is the meaning of "respect for persons" to value the dignity and worth of all persons regardless of age, race, culture, sexual dignity, gender, ability and/or health status
what is the meaning of responsible caring? providing sensitive, compassionate, and empathetic quality massage therapy
what does "integrity in relationships" mean to practice with integrity, honesty and diligence on our professional relationships with ourselves, our cx's, our professional colleagues and society
what does "responsibility to society" mean to be accountable to society and conduct ourselves in a manner that fosters and promotes high ethical standards
what does "standards of practice" mean? The Standards of Practice provide Registered Massage Therapists (“RMTs”, “MTs” or “registrants”) with the expectations for professional practice of Massage Therapy.
what are the 16 standards of practice Standard 1: Prepare the Treatment Area Standard 2: Inform the Client of the Fees and Obtain His/Her Agreement to a Fee Schedule Standard 3: Wash Your Hands and Any Skin Surface that Will/Has Come in Contact with the Client Standard 4: Interview the Client to Obtain His/Her Treatment Goals Standard 5: Risk Identification and Management for an Outbreak of Infectious Diseases Standard 6: Obtain, Update and Record the Client’s Health History Standard 7: Consent Standard 8: Determine the Client’s Condition by Conducting Assessment/Re-Assessment Standard 9: Determine if Massage Therapy Treatment is Indicated Standard 10: Treatment and Treatment Plans Standard 11: Pre / Post Treatment Protocol Standard 12: Draping Standard 13: Recommend Self-Care Standard 14: Client Health Record Standard 15: Use of Personal Protective Equipment During a Treatment Standard 16: Discharge of a Client
when should the treatment room be cleaned and set up? before the client enters the tx room & after a cx who required the use of PPE
when should you notify a client about a fee change when cx arrives for 1st appointment or prior to arrival
how long should you wash your hands? min 10 seconds
when should you wash your hands? before and after each treatment
what questions must be included in the interview with the cx -cx goals for tx -limitations to ADL -areas cx would like to focus on -discovery of contributing factors
when should you ask the cx questions about their tx goals ETC. 1)before massage begins 2)anytime during mx
what should you do about your client when there is an outbreak of infectious disease? interview client to determine their risk of exposure to the infectious diseases
why do you need to know if a cx has a chance of being exposed to the disease/infection? -so you are aware of symptoms and can identify them -so you use PPE -so you clean the clinic area properly -give cx opportunity to ask q's just incase there is a gap in their knowledge
when should an interview take place relating to an infectious outbreak/disease prior to cx entering the clinic area, prior to providing tx
why do we need to obtain/update and record cx HH? need HH to collect info about patient for indications or Ci's
what do you say to a client when they ask who will be able to see their file? "the information you have provided me in confidential and in order for me to release it to a practitioner etc I will need written consent from you"
does consent have to be voluntary? Yes, always.
what does consent provide the client with? -info on where we are working during tx, risks, benefits, Ci, complications, assessment/reassessment, or treatment. -that we will be checking in on their level of comfort -they can stop/modify the tx at any time -they can ask Q's prior, through and after tx
when do you go through consent with you cx? -before assessment/reassessment -before tx *add into SOAP notes*
why do we do assessments? so we can determine cx's condition , source of pain, Etc so this can lead us to a clinical impression
what are all of the factors used to create a clinical impression -HH info -observation -assessment
how do you find out if massage is indicated? -HH -assessment
what if mx is not indicated and the condition is out of your scope to treat or untreatable? Refer to other HCP
What if the cx has a Ci? -refer to other HCP if out of your scope(Document in soap notes) -modify your tx plan
what if a mx is indicated? explain the initial tx plan to cx
when should you explain the initial tx plan to your cx? before tx
what is a treatment plan? an outline of what is going to happens in further tx's to help the cx with their complaints
when should you talk to your cx about a tx plan & when should it be updated? after 1st mx tx & anytime it is altered
what needs to be on an ongoing tx plan? goals, type, focus of tx, areas ot body tx, anticipated frequency, duration, cx response to tx, schedule for reassessment, recommend hydro/remex
what might happen that would cause a change in a tx plan cx changes wishes, physical condition or health, or identify a change in cx condition & or lack of response to tx
what do you have to do when you change the tx plan? -notify cx -ask if cx has q's -answer q's or refer to other HCP -tell cx changes & why -obtain & record consent for all changes to tx plan
when and where should you document a change in tx plan? before mx tx, in SOAP notes, within 24 hours
standard 11, what are you going to instruct your cx to do AFTER they have given you consent to treat? instruct the cx on dressing/undressing procedures
acronym for the 4 layers ot epidermis in most regions(thick) stratum basal- Betty stratum spinosum- Sent stratum granulosum-Greg thin stratum corneum- Some Corn
what other information are you going to provide your cx after you tell them to undress? -why they remove clothing -within comfort level -if they have any questions -undress/dress in private -permission to re-enter the room -if assistance needed, with dressing/undressing follow potocal
what is the protocal for assisting a cx to undress/dress? -inform cx which clothing is coming off -only remove clothing cx says -where, why you will be touching cx -only touch areas needed to remove clothing -record cx's consent for help & what you did -maintain respectful privacy by using covering to help cx
what do you do after the tx is done? -instruct cx how/when to get off the table -ask if any assistance is needed -dizziness/lightheadedness when-before they get dressed
7 standards during draping/undraping -drape secured -cx requests different drape -breasts not exposed except when special consent -genetalia & glutes covered -infants can be tx if consent by guardian -notify client of area being uncovered -aquire to cx comfort and adjust support as necessary
what do you do when you need the cx to change position? -assist and instruct the cx to change position
5 standards to assist/instruct cx to change position -cx told why & how to change position -sheets & pillows secured -secure top sheet -ask about comfort level -maintain respectful privacy by covering cx
what are the conditions for standard 13 recommend self care? massage is completed, client is dressed, and self care is indicated
3 standards for recommending self care -explain appropriate self care including intended effects & possible negative reactions -stop is P -demonstrate exercise
standard 14 cx health record, what are the 3 standards 1)records must include hh form, consent to treat, records of ongoing tx plan, authorization to contact other HCP when required for tx, copies of info from other HCP 2)confidential 3)records kept a MIN of 10 years after last tx or 10 years after cx's 18th birthdy
what must a record of a mx tx consist of? Date, time, duration, fee, results of assess, techs used, areas tx, cx reaction/feedback, informed consent from cx or SDM, remex given/performed, hydro, updated HH and tx info as obtained
when should soap notes be completed asap, within 24 hours
standard 15: use of PPE during tx, what are the conditions? -cx or therapist with recognizable contagious condition that spreads through contact or inhalation during mx -cx who requires intra oral work -cx with non-intact skin, open wounds, or healing wounds that are vulnerable
what are the 6 standards of using PPE during tx? 1)explain the use of PPE to cx's 2)cx can ask q's 3)standards set by infection control for regulated professionals 4)affected area is avoided as much as possible 5)effected area on the therapist is completely covered 6)cx & therapist wear mask durig tx if airborne
when should PPE be put on? -before tx or when situation arises during tx
when should a cx be discharged? -goals of tx plan met -tx plan goals not met because it is out of your SOP -cx is abusive
what are the 5 standards when discharging a cx 1)explain reason for for discharge 2)before or after tx 3)cx given opportunity to ask q's 4)referral arranged prior to discharge 5)files transferred or stored depending on cx wishes
when should the cx receive notice of discharge? sufficient notice is given to cx
what MUST an advertisement include? - must identify the RMT who is chiefly responsible for the practice and note that they are a member ot college of massage therapists of ontario
what MAY an advertisement include? -general info ot practice (location,accessibility, hour of operation, address & telephone # -identification ot educational qualifications ot staff -info on the types of services available @ the facility
What MAY NOT be in an advertisement? -testimonials from cx's, friend, past cx,relative -claims/guarantees about tx that cannot be verified -endorsement of a line of products or product -anything false or misleading -any reference to discounts or free give a way's -any sexual innuendos or language of a sexual nature -discriminatory statements -any wording that would imply the staff ot facility are members ot college when they are not
what is the legislation for ancillary & related activities? the legislation requires "that the corporation does not carry on and does not plan to carry on any business that is not the practice ot profession governed by the college or activities related to or ancillary to the practice of that profession"
why was the policy statement regarding to ancillary & related activities created? -to make it clear to RMT's what the CMTO regards as business that is related to our ancillary to massage therapy
what does the college consider ancillary & related activities? "RMT must be ____ and mx for more hours than _____" -college considers that ancillary & related activities Mt's would be (but not limited to) *selling mx related supplies for home use *teaching mx related courses *publication/selling books/videos related to mx *temporary investment of surplus funds earned by the corporation -RMT must be active and mx for more hours than selling
what does "massage related" mean? Not within or scope of massage therapists but having a direct relationship to the practice of massage therapy
when registered, what do you receive from the college as proof? Is this owned by the RMT? -wall certificate & photo ID card -no, it is owned by the college
can you copy, duplicate or transfer the photo id or wall certificate? absolutely not
can you rent out, or sell the certificate of registration or corresponding registration number? why or why not? no because the registration number is used to verify the work performed by the RMT it was assigned to
what happens when an RMT is suspended/revoked? what if this is not followed? certificate and photo id must be returned to the college -if not returned considered professional misconduct
can you display an inactive certificate? nope
what if a retired RMT that is not practicing would like to keep their certificate or id badge they must send them to the college including a letter stating they would like to keep them. the college then marks both "retired" and sends certificates Ot dates the RMT was registered and will seal this with the certificate
whos respobsible to protect the certificate, id badge and registration number? the RMT
what If an RMT works in 2 places and only has 1 certificate? the RMT will use the photo id card to verify registration to the public & employers
what happens to their certificate if an RMT leaves a place of employment? the RMT is responsible to take it with them
what are RMTS responsible for when it comes to complimentary modalities? -following code of ethics,SOP, and regulations -determining approrpiatness Ot modality -ensuring they have the knowledge, skill and judgement to perform the modality competently -performing an assessment of cx's before providing tx -explain to cx anticipated effects, potential benefits, potential risks OT modalities so cx can make an informed choice -obtain valid consent before tx -evaluate the ongoing status OT cx and the effects OT modality on the cx's condition/overall health
is teaching a complimentary modality considered massage therapy? no
can a complimentary modality be charged as massage therapy? Not if it was done on its own, BUT if it was integrated into tx/tx plan than it CAN be charged as massage therapy
are things other than massage therapy covered under the members liability insurance? No, you need separate insurance
what are some complimentary modalities? Alexander Technique Aromatherapy Feldenkrais Electrical therapy techniques including: a. IFC b. TENS c. Therapeutic Ultrasound d. Pulsed High Frequency e. Low Intensity Laser Therapy Guided Imagery Inhalation Therapy Kinesiology Meditation Pilates Reiki – first degree reiki only (involves touching the client; second degree reiki is delivered at a distance and is outside the scope of practice for Massage Therapists) Therapeutic Touch Touch for Health Trager Yoga
what modalities are out of our SOP? Aboriginal Healing Allergy Testing Ayurvedic Medicine Bach Flower Therapy Biodynamics Biofeedback Chakra Balancing Colour Therapy Crystal/Gem therapy Endermology Hellerwork Herbology Homeopathy Iridology Lypossage Metaphysical Healing Muscle Activation Technique (M.A.T.) Nutrition Counselling Orthotics Osteopathy Personal Training Polarity Psychotherapy Quantum Zrroid Biofeedback Raindrop therapy Reiki – second degree (reiki treatment delivered without touching the client) Religious/Spiritual Healing Sound Therapy Success Through Alignment Restoration (S.T.A.R.) Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Trigenics Watsu Zero Balancing
what is the main purpose ot HCCA? sets out specific requirments for obtaining consent for tx from the cx or their SDM
the HCCA "sets" out the following 1)what constitutes the elements required for consent to tx 2)in what situations it is required 3)how to determine in the clients capacity to provide it (are they capable of providing their own consent) 4) what to do if the cx in incapable
the HCCA states consent must do what? -relate to the tx being proposed -be informed -be voluntary -must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud
what must the RMT explain to the cx when talking about the proposed tx plan? -nature of tx -expected benefits of tx -material risks and side effects ot tx proposed and any alternative options -likely consequences of not having tx
when is consent informed? -info about tx is given -responses to additional requests for info are given
what does "treatment" mean? considered anything done for a therapeutic, preventative, palliative, diagnostic, cosmetic or other health related purposes including a course of tx or plan of tx
what does treatment not include -assessment of capacity or the general assessment ot cx's conditions -the taking of a HH -the communication OT assessment findings -the admission ot person to a hospital or other facility -a personal assistance service; or a tx that poses little or no harm to the client
what is considered a "capable" person? someone who is able to understand the info being provided about the tx being proposed, and is able to appreciate the consequences of having the tx or not
what are some examples of how someones capacity may be questioned? -confused or delusional thinking -alcohol/drug impairment -the cx's inability to make a clear tx choice -lack of ability to communicate
what if you tell someone a substitute decision maker will be assisting and they say they dont need them or disagree with it? they can go to the consent and capacity review board
Is a cx with an SDM still included in the discussion ot tx plan yes
what if the cx doesnt want an SDM or dont like their SDM? explain to them all of their options: -find another SDM of the samr or senior rank -apply to the consent and capacity review board
What is an substitute decision makers?(SDM) individuals who make tx decisions for individuals who are incapable(usually family members)
what is the Hierarchy of SDM's 1)official guardian appointed by courts 2)attorney for personal care 3)a representative appointed by the consent & capacity review board 4)a spouse, partner or relative in the following order: -spouse/partner -child 16+ or the custodial parent -parent who has only a right of access -brother/sister -any other relative
what are the 6 parts for the MTA, 1991 1)exams 2)advertisement 3)records *4-6 were revoked* 7)notice of meetings & hearings 8)professional misconduct 9)quality assurance
Part 1 MTA exams, what is the college expected to do? provide exams that are reliable and a valid measure of skill, knowledge, and ability to practice MT in ontario
how many examinations must there be in a year? what if you fail 3 times? -at least 2 times a year -redo schooling and get another certificate
part 3 MTA, records. what are the expectations for the therapist when it comes to records? -follow all reasonable steps to ensure records are kept in accordance with this part -verification by the member(@ reasonable intervals) that records are kept in accordance with this part -daily appointment record must be kept stating name of each cx treated -record of any equipment used in tx -financial record must be kept -cx health record(HH, SOAP notes, every entry into cx file, date and who accessed it)
what if an RMT cant provide copies of a cx's health record? this is considered professional misconduct
who can get copies of a cx record? 1)cx 2)personal rep with written consent 3)cx is dead, legal rep. 4)cx lacks capacity to give authorization... -committee ot cx appointed under mental incompetency act -cxs wife/husband -a person who is living in congeal relationship outside of maariage if the cx and the person i)have cohabitated atleast one year ii) are together the parents of a child iii)have together entered into a cohabitation agreement under family law act -a clients son or daughter -the clients parent
what if an RMT denies a copy of a record because the client has not paid the fee? this is NOT considered misconduct
when can clients info be shared without asking consent? who can it be shared with? -for the purpose of providing health care or assisting in the provision of health care to a cx -another HCP
When is it okay for the RMT to share copies or info from a cx health record to another person? -the info or copies are to be used for health administration or planning or health research or epidemiological studies -the use of the info or copies is in the public interest as determined by the minister -anything that could identify the cx is removed from the info or copies
who is responsible to make sure that everyone knows about open to public council meetings? where will it be published? -The registrar -published in a daily newspaper
what language must the notice of a public council meeting be in? what must be included in the article? -English or French -dtae, time & place,statement of the purpose, and contact info where further info can be obtained
can you request to be notified if there is a hearing of the panel of discipline committee? yes, they notify you within 30 days if not asap after 30 days
when you are notified of a discipline hearing, what info must be included? -name of member who the allegations have been made, place of practice, intended date, time, and place and statement OT purpose ot hearing
what is considered a misconduct when advertising? violating the regulations under this act(part Viii professional misconduct)
what is considered misconduct when it comes to records? -giving someone access without written consent from cx -failing to provide copies of record -failing to make arrangements with a cx for the transfer ot cx records *member retires *changes location *requested by cx
what happens when a member violates the terms on their certificate? practice ot profession misconduct
what if you proceed with tx etc. without the cx's consent practice ot profession misconduct
what if you verbally or physically abuse a cx? practice ot profession miscoduct
when is it okay to discontinue professional services that are needed? -cx requests the discontinuation -alternative services are arranged -the cx is given a reasonable opportunity to arrange alternative services -cx is abusive, and the member has made all reasonable attempts to arrange alternative services
what if the rmt has a "secret remedy" or tx and doesn't disclose this info with the cx, college or cx rep. when asked? practice ot profession misconduct
what if you fail to make payments to the college? practice of the profession misconduct
what if you fail to permit entrey at a reasonable time or co-operate with a rep. from the college that is doing an inspection on your records, office, equipment or practice? record keeping misconduct
what if you sign or issue a document you know contains false info? record keeping misconduct
"submitting charge or account for services that the member knows is false or misleading" what kind of conduct is this? business practice misconduct
what if you charge a cx less than listed & don't note it? considered buissness practice isconduct
what if you give /offer a cx a discount for prompt payment? considered business practice misconduct
when should you notify the college of any changes of info? within 30 days
what is the quality assurance program? QAP is designed to help Massage Therapists (MTs) reflect on their professional practice, and identify opportunities to ensure they can provide safe, effective, and ethical care.
what is included in the Quality assurance program? is it mandatory to participate? -professional portfolio -credit component(discontinued as of july 1st 2018) -peer assessment & remediation of a members practice -remediation of behavior and remarks of a sexual nature by a member to a cx *yes it is mandatory to participate in the quality assurance program*
what is a professional portfolio? this consists of self assessment and professional activity log which will contain a list of completed CEU's(discontinued) and professional activities
when do self assessment tools need to be completed? must be done once every 3 years or @ the request of the committee
when shall you submit your professional portfolio? -within 30 days after requested to do so -to an assessor immediately upon request
what is a peer assessment? to assist in the formulation of informed judgments about the professional practice of a Registered Massage Therapist, with the ultimate goal of identifying ways to improve and maintain quality of care.
how do you get selected to do a peer assessment -name is selected at random -member has been referred to the committee by the executive committee or complaints committee
who appoints the assessor? can the member know who it is? -the committee chooses the assessor -yes the member may know who it is AND has the right to request a different assessor
what does the assessor do after writing a report for peer assessment? send it to the committee & assessed member
when the report is sent to the committee(peer assessment) can the member do anything? -yes they have 30 days after receiving the assessment report to make submissions to the committee
what can the committee do if the peer assessment report proves the members knowledge, skills, and judgment are unsatisfactory? 1)make recommendations on how to improve 2)give member chance to fix deficiencies in their practice 3)direct member to participate in and successfully complete a specified remedial or refresher course 4)direct the member to obtain any assistance(in the committees opinion) is appropriate 5)take no further action
what does the commitee do for a follow up peer assessment? send another assessor to follow up
what if the member does not follow the feedback given to them by the committee after a peer assessment? -they can refer the member to the executive committee and give them all info
if a member was told to get additional assistance, take a refresher course or remedial course and they do not do so, what can the committee do? they can direct the registrar to impose conditions, terms or limitations on a member certificate of registration for a period that doesn't exceed 6 months
what if the committee feels as though conditions, terms or limitations are no longer needed on a members certificate? they can remove them
what does the committee have to do before applying conditions, terms or limitations onto someone's certificate? can the member do anything after this notice? -they must notify the member 14 days in advance -the member can make written submissions but they must be within 14 days of notice
what if a member iss found guilty of sexual nature towards a cx? may be required by the committee to undergo a psychological assessment or another assessment specified by the commitee
what happens after a member(that has been found guilty of acting in a sexual nature towards a cx) has completed a psychological assessment/other assessment? member may be required to take measures like education, therapy or counselling in a certain period of time if the committee feels that these measures will help the member refrain from these behaviors or remarks
when a member has been found guilty of acting in a sexual nature towards a cx, in what situation can the committee not take action? 1)the matter has been referred to the discipline committee or a finding of sexual abuse has been made ,against the member by the committee 2)the matter is before the board or there has been a decision by the board that is inconsistent with the referral to the committee
where is the health professionals & procedural code aand scope of practice found? MTA
what if a member found guilty of sexual nature towards a cx refuses to under go an assessment, undertake measures specified by the committee, or fails to complete those measures within a time period specified by the commtiee? the committee may direct the registrar to impose terms, conditions, or limitations on the members certificate of registration for a period that does NOT exceed 6 months
what does the council compose of? -at least 6 and no more than nine persons who are members elected in accordance with the bylaws -at least 5 and no more than 8 persons appointed by the lieutenant governor in council who are NOT 1)members 2)members of a college as defined in the regulated health professionals act 3)members of a council as defined in the regulated health professions act
who can vote in elections? subject to the bylaws, every member who practises or resides in Ontario and who is not in default of payment of the annual membership fee is entitled to cote in an election of members ot council
who elects the president & vice president? how many times is there an election for this position? -elected by the council from among the councils members -elected annually
what if someone calls themselves and MT or RMT? or says they are qualitifed to do so? the first ime they face a fine of $25,000 the 2nd or subsequent time they face a fine of $50,000
what are the 2 types of certificates of registration? 1)general 2)inactive
how do you apply for certificate of registration? -by submitting an application to the registrar -in a from that is supplied by the registrar, with an application fee
when applying for a certificate of registration, what details must you provide if applicable to you? -conviction for criminal offence related to regulation of profession -finding of prof misconduct, incompetency, or incapacity(including past/present profession) -an unsuccessful application for registration as an RMT -submitting an application when you don't have your exam results or failed
what is the term in office for the members of the consent and capacity board? 3 years
what is "the minister"? minister of health and long term care
what is the duty ot minister -to ensure that the health professions are regulated and co-ordinated in the public interest, -that appropriate standards of practice are developed & maintained -that individuals have access to services provided by the health professions of their choice -cx's are treated with sensitivity & respect in their dealings with health professionals, the colleges and the board.
what regulation is the duty of the minister found under? RHPA
what are the powers ot minister? -inquire into or require a council to inquire into the state of practice of a health profession in a locality or institution -review a councils activities and require the council to provide reports and info -require a council to make, amend, or revoke a regulation under a health profession act, drug and pharmacies regulation act or the drug interchangeability and dispensing fee act
must the council comply with the ministers requests? yes
what is a college supervisor? the lieutenant governor in council may appoint a person as a college supervisor, on the recommendation ot minister, where the minister considers it appropriate or necessary and where, in the ministers opinion, a council has not complied with a requirement
what is the advisory council? they advise the minister and no other person on any issue from the matters described in clauses 2a-f(pg119) but only if the minister decided to refer the issue to the advisory council in writing, seeking its advice, and in no other circumstance
what matters may be referred to the advisory council? -whether unregulated professions should be regulated]-whether regulated professions should no longer be regulated -suggested amendments to this act a health profession act or a regulation under any of those acts and suggested regulations under any of those acts -matters concerning the QAP undertaken by the colleges -each colleges patient relations program and its effectiveness -any matter the minister considers desirable the refer to the advisory council relating to the regulation of the health professions
what does the advisory council consist of? -5-7 people appointed by lieutenant governor with a recommendation by the minister -one person "chair" the other "vice chair" chosen by the lieutenant governor
what position does the advisory council have to give on of their employees? secretary of council
"memebers of the advisory council may be appointed for terms of ____ years" terms of 2 years
what does the secretary of council do? -keeps records -has the custody and care ot records and documents -give written notice of suggested amendments to this act, a health professions act or a regulation under any of those acts and suggested regulations and any of those act have been refered to the advisory council to persons who have filed with the secretary, a request to be notified -carry out the functions and dutys assigned by the minister or the advisory council
what are the 7 committees? 1)executive committee 2)registration committee 3)inquiries,complaints and reports 4)discipline committee 5)fitness the practice committee 6)quality assurance committee 7)patient relations committee
who appoints the members of the committees the council
what must each committee submit to the council? an annual report of their activities
what does a panel consist of? at least 3 people, at least one whom shall be a person appointed to the council the lieutenant governor in council
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PMU - 2nd Semester Anatomy - CNS (Skull)
Sole C
Arthrology, myology - Part 2(a)- PMU
Med Student
Brain & Mind quiz
Ben Armstrong
CNS Skull Part 1
Med Student
Arthrology, Myology - Part 1 (b)
Sole C
Arthrology, myology - Part 2 (a)
Sole C
Picture based question
mamta narula
Jean-Michel Telhomme
Arthrology, Myology - Part 1 (b)
Med Student