Business section 1 revision


Geography/Business (BUSINESS) Karteikarten am Business section 1 revision, erstellt von beth.tripp am 30/11/2014.
Karteikarten von beth.tripp, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von beth.tripp vor fast 10 Jahre

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what are the stages of recruitment? needs analysis job description personal specification advertising shortlisting interview appointment
solutions to cash flow problems -trade credit -reduce costs -encourage early payments -overdraft -bank loan
surplus money left over at the end of the month when expenditure has been taken off the income.
profit money left after a tax year
defecit when you don't have enough to cover costs
net cash flow difference between inflows and outflows over a period of time
what is market research an activity of research on customers or potential customers. an example of this is making a questionnaire which is done to retrieve information on a business idea.
usp an aspect of the product that differentiates from other competitors' products.
if sarah buys ready made sandwiches and then sells produces>retailer>customer
if sarah makes the sandwiches herself producer>retailer
penetration pricing when you lower the price in the intro of product life cycle and the increase in growth when you have an increase market share and customer loyalty.
competitive pricing when you base price around competitors throughout whole of product life cycle.
skimming pricing charging maximum for as long as possible done in growth stages
fixed cost remains the same regardless of level of output.
cash flow statment document displaying the past business years inflows and outflows after that tax year.
how are staff protected by a contract so employer can only make the employee do work specified similarly if the employee doesn't do work then they are under grounds for dismissal.
what are contractual rights what you and employer sign off in contract
statutory rights government set e.g. maternity and paternity leave.
two laws that support no discrimination in employment equal pay act discrimination legislation
what are the three management styles -autocratic -democratic -laissez faire
internal training on the job
external training off the job
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