cycle 2 social world vocab


Karteikarten am cycle 2 social world vocab, erstellt von LillyP am 30/11/2014.
Karteikarten von LillyP, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von LillyP vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Navigator a person or explorer who leads, steers, or directs a ship or aircraft
Circumnagivate to sail of fly around the earth, an island, or other area
Conquistador 16th century Spanish conquerors of Mexico, Peru, and other parts of the Americas
Viceroy a person ruling and country, province, or colony as the deputy of a sovereign
Line of demarcation an imaginary line diving land
Armada a fleet of warships. a large group of moving things.
Hemisphere a half of a sphere bounded by a great circle
Mutiny open rebellion against lawful authority
Terra incognito unknown land
Scurvy a disease resulting from a deficiency if vitamin C and marked by spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, an extreme weakness
Discovery the fact of process of finding something new or unexpected after search for the first time
Missionary a person who tries to spread certain religious beliefs among a group of people
Reformation 16th century movement leading to separation of the Protestant churches from the Roman Catholic Church
Merchant a person whose business is buying and selling goods for profit; trader
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