Superiority Theory


Karteikarten am Superiority Theory, erstellt von Charlotte Joseph am 02/12/2014.
Charlotte Joseph
Karteikarten von Charlotte Joseph, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Joseph
Erstellt von Charlotte Joseph vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Superiority Theory Hobbes
Concept of Superiority Theory Pleasure in feeling superior to another
Mulder & Nishott, 2002 Hobbes stated: "We laugh about the misfortunes of others"
Mulder & Nishott, 2002 Hobbes stated: "Humans are in a constant competition with each other"
Mulder & Nishott, 2002 "He considers laughter as an expression of a sudden realization that we are better than others"
Morreall, 1983 Laughter is "a sudden glory arising from some conception of some eminecy in ourselves, by comparison with the infirmity of others"
Morreall, 1983 "Hobbes was concerned that laughter could be harmful to a person's character"
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