F211: Transport in animals keywords and info


UNIT F211 OCR AS BIOLOGY, module 2 transport in animals keywords. not finished yet. hope it helps
Gurdev Manchanda
Karteikarten von Gurdev Manchanda, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Gurdev Manchanda
Erstellt von Gurdev Manchanda vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Transport in animals keywords 1. the circulatory system 2. heart basics 3. electrical activity of the heart 4. blood vessels 5. haemoglobin
Affinity Tendency to bind
Single Circulatory System Blood only passes through heart once
Double Circulatory System Blood passes through heart twice
Open Circulatory System Blood isn't enclosed in blood vessels all the time, instead it flows freely through the body cavity
Closed Circulatory System Blood is always enclosed inside blood vessels
Atrio-Ventricular Valves Link atria to ventricles
Semi-Lunar Valves Link Ventricles to the pulmonary artery and aorta
Valves Close chamber to stop blood flowing the wrong way. Close due to pressure difference : lower ----> higher closes valve
Hydrostatic Pressure Pressure created by a fluid pushing against the side of a container Arteries
Cardiac Cycle Ongoing sequence of contraction and relaxation of atria and ventricles that keeps blood continuously circulating around the body.
Systole Cardiac Concentration
Diastole Cardiac Relaxation
Myogenic Can contract and relax without receiving signal from nerves
ECG Electrocardiogram. Graph showing the electrical activity of the heart muscle during a cycle
SAN Sino-Atrial Node. Sets the rhythm of the heartbeat by sending regular waves of electrical activity over the atrial walls- both atria contract at the same time
AVN Atrio-Ventricular Node. Passes the waves of electricity from the SAN to the bundle of His
Bundle of His group of muscle fibres which conduct the waves of electrical activity to the purkyne tissue
Purkyne Fibres carry the waves of electrical activity up the muscular walls of the ventricles they contract simultaneously
Electrocardiograph Machine which records the electrical activity of the heart by tracking changes in electrical charge using electrodes placed on the chest - depolarises and repolarises
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Trace produced by electrocardiograph
P Wave caused by contraction (depolarisation) of atria
Depolarisation losing electrical charge - contraction
Repolarisation Regaining charge - relaxation
QRS Complex main peak of heartbeat contraction (depolarisation) of ventricles
T wave relaxation (repolarisation) of ventricles
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