Psych as a science


Topic 1 Term 1
meg mould
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meg mould
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Describe the primary ways we learn information Intuition: Relying on common sense. Deduction: Using logic and common knowledge. Authority: Relying on academics. Observation: Relying on what one observes.
Describe the primary guides of study Testability: Assumption that explanations for behaviour can be falsified. Empiricism: Gaining knowledge through systematic observation. Parsimony: Preferring a simpler explanation to a complex one. Determinism: Phenomena and behaviour occurs naturally.
What are the two main categories of research? Applied research: Focuses on solving on real life problems. Must have external validity. Basic research: Understands the most basic processes by figuring our casual and general relationships.
Describe the differences between quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative: Uses simple numerical data, is probabilistic and claims objectivity. Qualitative: Uses a systematic approach to understand experiences and behaviour using texts and imagines and accepts subjectivity.
Describe and give examples of different kind of research questions. (Basic, applied, causal and descriptive) Descriptive: Presence, frequency and relationship between behaviours. (Are university students anxious?) Causal: Finding out the causes of behaviours. (What makes university students anxious?) Basic: What are the causes? Applied: What can we implement to reduce anxiety?
Describe what a null and alternative hypothesis are? Null: States there is no statistical significance between the two variables. Alternative: Supports your prediction.
Name and describe 4 types of variables. INDEPENDENT: Variable measured. DEPENDENT: Variable manipulated. CONFOUNDING: Extraneous variable. CONTROL: Keep constant.
What are the four scales of measurement used for dependent variables? Nominal: Simple, non ordered categories. Ordinal: Ordered continuum of categories. Interval: Equally spaced quantitative data. Ratio: Related to absolute zero.
What are the differences between the two main research groups?
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